It is true to say that fabric sofa used for a long time inevitably gets dirty or dusty, smelly. For the living room furniture is dirty for a certain reason such as ink stains, crayons, mold, dirt, etc cleaning sofa fabric with vinegar has just saved, bring high efficiency. Some suggestions from Noithatkenli in the article below will guide in detail how to protect fabric sofa with rice vinegar.
Characteristics of rice vinegar
Rice vinegar is a type of vinegar that made from rice wine, glutinous rice wine. Rice vinegar has a sour taste because it is fermented from ethyl alcohol. The main component of vinegar is the acetic acid solution (CH3COOH) with a concentration of about 2% -5%. Inside the vinegar is an acid active ingredient that helps to gently remove stains such as ink stains, stains, stains, etc. effectively.
Rice vinegar has many uses in cooking. In addition, it is also effective in cleaning cloth or leather. When you use vinegar to clean a fabric sofa, it not only helps the stain to disappear completely, but vinegar also has antiseptic properties, deodorizing smell, fishy food, drinks on the sofa. It can also clean out mildew, etc.
Vinegar is a very good detergent, is applied to most cases of furniture cleaning. Therefore, when cleaning the sofa with fabric, you should not ignore vinegar. You can dilute the vinegar before use to make sure the Sofa is clean and not faded.
How to clean fabric sofa with rice vinegar quickly and effectively
Vinegar is a kitchen product but has a magical effect in cleaning the surface of a fabric sofa. Using vinegar is quite safe for fabric materials.
Step 1:
Using vinegar in cleaning fabric sofas is sure to bring unexpected results. To do this, simply prepare a clean, soft cloth or a clean washcloth.
Step 2:
Using a soft cloth or a washcloth dipped in vinegar solution then squeezed dry, wipe the entire surface of the leather sofa with this soft cloth/ washcloth
For common stains, cleaning the leather sofa with vinegar will take effect immediately. But if it is an ink stain or a moldy stain, you will need more time to clean. So, you need to persevere in 4-5 times until the stain completely disappears
The method of using vinegar to clean the sofa is quite safe and effective. There is no denying that this method does not fade the color of a sofa.
In addition, there are other options for you to clean the fabric sofa. You mix white vinegar and olive oil in a ratio of 1; 2. Using a soft, clean cloth, apply this mixture to the surface of the sofa until it completely covers the surface of the sofa. Leave it on overnight for about 8 hours. Then, wipe down the sofa with a clean rag
Things to keep in mind when you clean the fabric sofa with vinegar
As mentioned above, rice vinegar containing acetic acid solution (CH3COOH) has a concentration of about 2% -5%. So when cleaning the sofa with vinegar, you should not be too abusive. Dryly squeeze a towel soaked in vinegar before using it. Wipe the surface of the sofa gently to avoid changing the original natural fabric color.
In addition, you can use vinegar and water in a 1: 1 ratio to limit acidity if you just need to be a little dirty clean. On the other hand, if your family is also using carpets, the white vinegar also has the effect of cleaning the carpet very well.
Rice vinegar also helps to eliminate odors, urine smell of animals on the fabric sofa. But you can also create scents by using perfume or deodorant sprays.
You should open the door immediately after cleaning the fabric sofa with rice vinegar.
Vinegar is a kitchen product but has a magical effect in cleaning the surface of a fabric sofa.
Notes before cleaning the fabric sofa yourself
- Pay attention to the specifications of the sofa
Each type of sofa has its own parameters. This parameter allows the user to know which form of cleaning to use
“W”, “WS”: Can be cleaned with soap water
“S”: Dry cleaning or use water without detergent
“X”: Dry cleaning or vacuuming only
“O”: Clean with cold water.
- Do not use a stiff brush
In fact, the stiff brush can damage the sofa set whether it is the leather sofa or fabric sofa. Use a soft brush or soft towel to clean.
- Do not clean too often
To minimize the fabric layer of the sofa is worn. It is like the clothes when washing regularly will fade, frayed. Therefore, take good care to minimize the number of cleanings, extending the durability of the chair.
Also read, Ordering And Buying Furniture in The Online Store
Some other ways to clean fabric sofa
Use wine
Different types of wine will have different alcohol content. People often use wine as a cleaning agent. Therefore, we can use wine to clean the sofa. When using wine to clean the sofa we need to pay attention to their alcohol content. The higher the alcohol content, the more likely it is to lose the beauty of the sofa.
The procedure is quite simple. Repeat this process until the stain is completely gone. Do not forget to clean again with water and let them dry naturally. In particular, using wine is a common method of removing mold moisture
Use soap
Soap is a fairly effective cleaning agent. With regular soaps without detergents, their use is to reduce the surface tension that makes dirt easier to remove. However, when using soap with detergent, dilute it to avoid discoloration and corrosion of the fabric sofa surface.
Procedure: dilute the soap solution and use a soft brush or a soft cloth to gently wipe the stain. Continue until the stain is completely blurred and disappear. Rinse gently with clean water and air dry.
Use baking soda
This is a fairly common cleaning compound. It can clean stubborn stains on the sofa set quickly. In addition, it is very useful in eliminating odors on the sofa.
Procedure: Sprinkle baking soda evenly on the sofa. Leave them on the sofa surface for 30-45 minutes. Then proceed to clean this baking soda layer. The last step is to wipe it clean with a soft damp cloth.
Above is how to clean the fabric sofa with vinegar and some other materials. Join family members to clean cloth sofas on weekends. View our range of sofas, sofa beds on website if you are looking for a contemporary design or classic styles.
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