Slip and fall accidents are a common occurrence around the world. In the US alone, there is an average of 4 million slip and falls every year that result in over 300 thousand injuries. Slips happen for many reasons, but all have one thing in common: they cause people to fall onto a surface below them. If you’re involved in a slip and fall accident, attorneys like Sullivan & Galleshaw can help you get compensated.
This article will teach you how to avoid these accidents.
- Be Careful Around Uneven Surfaces Without Warning Signs
Don’t walk on surfaces that you can’t see or feel. Ensure that there is good traction, and the surface will not give way if you step on it. Do your best to avoid uneven, slippery surfaces without any warning signs posted about them. Avoid walking around in dark areas where a light source might be out of reach because you’ll have no idea what’s underfoot.
If possible, bring along an additional lighting device like a flashlight to help you see the surface you’re walking on. That way, if something feels amiss, you can get off immediately before falling.
Research shows that about 85% of all slip and fall accidents can be avoided. That means most people are actually risking their lives with low-risk behavior every single day. The bad news is the majority of these individuals aren’t even aware that they could be doing things differently to keep themselves safe in dangerous situations, which causes more injuries than ever before.
- Remove Obstacles From Walkways
Wet floors and poorly lit walkways are the most common causes of slip-and-fall accidents. When entering a building, take note of any obstacles on your path to make sure you don’t trip or fall over them. If you spot an obstacle, remove it from your route before continuing forward.
Ensure that all carpeting is dry so that it doesn’t collect dirt and grime when walked upon. This will keep people’s feet clean as they move through the facility. Clean up spills as soon as possible with a mop bucket if necessary, but never use water near electrical outlets because it may lead to electrocution.
- Train Construction Workers
Construction workers are constantly on their feet and need to be alert. A big part of this is because they’re often around heavy machinery that can cause a severe injury if it’s not operated properly. So, construction site supervisors should ensure all employees know what steps to take in an accident.
There are many things construction workers might slip on as they work, such as oil or grease from equipment, diesel fuel leaks, or liquid seeping through cracks in a concrete slab. To avoid accidents like these, inform your workers never to walk on oily areas without wearing protective footwear; or step near unprotected holes where liquids could pour out.
- Wear The Right Shoes
It’s essential to wear the right gear for all outdoor activities, and shoes should be no exception. Choose a shoe with a good grip on its soles to avoid slipping in wet conditions or over smooth surfaces like ice.
Athletic footwear designed specifically for winter exercising can provide added insulation from cold weather elements such as snow and icy ground. These are available at most athletic supply stores. If you’re simply just going outdoors during inclement weather, dress appropriately so your away-time doesn’t get ruined by a sudden storm.
- Know Your Surrounding
If you are at a mall center surrounded by slippery floors like marble tiles and plenty of water fountains or puddles from the rain, be especially aware of those conditions as they can lead to slips and falls.
A grocery store may also be a hazard if you slip on something that has been spilled. In the front entrance of stores, there are usually some spills from carts and bags being carried in or out. Wipe your feet before entering the store to prevent you from sliding.
Summing Up
It is easy enough for a person to slip and fall on an uneven surface or wet floor. That’s why it’s important to be careful.
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