Consistent planning is undoubtedly the most important part of the preparatory process for divorce as a private legal matter. Not all factors and their course can be influenced by the petitioner or the initiator of the divorce. But in general, everyone can manage their dissolution of marriage.
It is essential to be aware that time management is a key factor in a successful case. At the initial stage of preparing for a divorce, it is crucial to understand a particular task’s timing and rationally assess the objective obstacles to their rapid implementation.
In this article, we will try to consider the basic stages of preparation for filing for divorce and the mandatory steps on the way to the final resolution of the local court. We will also pay special attention to the most common options for successfully implementing divorce case and doing it as quickly as possible.
Divorce Management in Indiana Under Applicable Law: Deadlines and Waiting Periods
By choosing the traditional format of the divorce process, it’s possible to approximate the timing of its completion at the initial stage. Typically, it takes at least 60 days before the court can finalize a divorce in the state of Indiana. Once the divorce is filed, the court can issue temporary orders. But the actual proceeding cannot be concluded until 60 days have passed since the clerk stamped the forms.
However, it should be noted that this 60-day waiting period is the minimum length of the divorce proceeding. Depending on the issues of the case and the court’s schedule, it could take longer.
When preparing documents for the initial filing for divorce, the applicant must keep in mind some basic legal requirements. When filing a petition for dissolution, at least one party must have been a resident of Indiana or stationed at a U.S. military installation within Indiana for six months immediately preceding the petition’s filing.
Spouses are not required to remain in the state while their dissolution is pending unless they have children in the state. Then parties may be prevented from relocating during the pendency of the dissolution. If they do move, spouses will still have to return to Indiana to attend any mandatory hearings in court.
There are effective methods that independently influence the speed of the preparation of the divorce proceedings. The main remedy for a speedy divorce is to qualify the case as uncontested at the initial stage. The following section will describe why this particular format is most beneficial and convenient in time management.
Uncontested Divorce is the Most Convenient and Fastest Solution
Divorce in all American states, including Indiana, is traditionally associated with expensive legal costs charged by lawyers, not affordable to all clients. The total budget for the divorce proceedings often totals several thousand dollars. This factor led to various online divorce applications being developed. These online divorce services have become a great alternative to the more traditional divorce paperwork process for several reasons, which we will mention below.
Provided that spouses choose a “do it yourself” divorce, preparing documents for divorce over the internet gives them several advantages. Saving time and financial resources are the two biggest reasons for filing for divorce online.
The obvious benefit of using such applications is that it’s possible to plan the budget in detail for all divorce-related expenses accurately and clearly in advance. As a rule, parties can get detailed information about the site’s various services and understand how much their case will cost before they even start. In most cases, this will be a one-time fixed payment for a specific list of services, including the comprehensive preparation of the divorce documents.
In addition to costs related to the document preparation service, a petitioner will also need to pay court filing fees and fixed taxes. But overall, the estimated costs when using the online divorce service, ready-made documentary solutions, and templates will be much lower than turning to lawyers for help.
In general, online divorce services are designed to make paperwork preparation easy enough so that spouses can do it without the support of an attorney, potentially saving thousands of dollars in legal costs. However, DIY divorce is possible only if the case can be qualified as an uncontested divorce!
How to Make a Divorce Case Uncontested: a Few Basic Steps and Rules
If the life circumstances have led to the dissolution of a marriage, it is in the spouse’s best interest to make sure that their case can be processed as an uncontested divorce. Briefly put, it is possible when the decision to terminate the marriage and all the terms of their separation are mutually agreed upon by both parties.
In addition to correctly completing divorce papers for submission to the court, the parties must conclude a mutual contract, known as a settlement agreement, to prevent controversy in the future. The agreement must contain clauses related to the division of property, financial obligations and responsibilities associated with the care of common minor children, and various spousal support issues.
The agreement between two parties of the marriage dissolution procedure may also include a liability contract for joint family debts and assets, financial and credit banking obligations, as well as a possible separation of the costs of filing the divorce proceedings. It means that the agreement should include every item that may provoke any claims in the future.One spouse will act as a petitioner or plaintiff, and the other becomes the respondent or defendant, but with an uncontested case, it can move through court quickly and with minimal effort. Only the absence of any claims and recriminations between the participants in the process will recognize divorce as an uncontested and no-fault one.
The court will be required to declare the application acceptable for consideration, and spouses can safely refuse the help of lawyers, instead opting for a convenient and affordable online divorce service Thus, as the divorce initiator, it is possible to plan a budget, consider each expense item, be more sure of the timing of the court process, and more quickly complete the case.
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