If you have a shed already but you want to make it so people can live there, then you’re going to need to make some upgrades so that the shed is livable. There are a few different ways to do this, including using models like Fair Dinkum Builds or just going step by step. Here’s some information about how you can get this done.
Connecting Water
Most places will allow you to connect water to any place on your property without a real problem. In fact, this is often one of the easiest parts to do in terms of utilities. You have to get connected to city water for starters, by talking to them, but you can justify this as “landscaping. It will require money for permits and installation plus you might need inspections. After that though, you can just connect it yourself. Plus, you can use it to get a water bill which you can then use for proof of residence.
In order to make a shed livable, one of the first things you should do after water is give it power and lights. One of the main reasons for this is to make it so that you can then see what you’re doing in case it’s a dark shed. You’re going to need power anyway, so it’s worth a shot. Many liveable sheds have power for tools. You’ll need an inspection for this as well.
It can be tricky to get sewage to a shed since the inspectors may not like it. You could instead use a composting toilet.
Choosing How to Do It
If you just want to live there here and there, then you can get by generally. What you really need to do, however, is redesign the shed and make substantial upgrades in order to make it fully pass inspections for becoming a livable and legal abode.
Making it officially livable is going to depend on the rules in your area. Some places may allow you to get it officially recognized as an allowable dwelling it’s small enough. It depends completely on where you are.
There will be a list of things that you need to do to accomplish this available from your local government. It often implies having space for a washer and dryer, having smoke alarms, full sewage lines, water, a space for cooking, and so on. If you’re trying to get full permits, then you will definitely need to get a full sewage line, and to do this, you will have to make the place look like it’s on its way to full house status first or the inspectors may not allow you to do it at all.
In other words, to make a shed livable, you have to make it no longer a shed. You can use the former structure but it must be upgraded. In terms of comfort, that’s down to personal preference, but getting the three major utilities installed is certainly a good place to start. From there, you can add more decorations, heating or air conditioning, and so on.
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