Do you want to try Hotstar for an year absolutely for free? Then use the promo code CMP41704 in the Hotstar payments page.
Hotstar has gained super popularity in USA as they bought the telecasting rights of IPL 2020, Asia Cup, T20 World Cup, latest movies, shows and web series. Hotstar is planning to double their prices in few more days.
Hotstar 1 Year Free Trial Offer :
Hotstar have only 48 hours of free trial period. Don’t worry, we are a distributor of Hotstar in USA and we would like to give you Hotstar for free for an entire year.
However, as per some legal guidelines we are not supposed to provide it for free. So, we can make up with an idea. We will give you $120 worth coupons back to you for subscribing to Hotstar with distributor code.
All you have to pay is just $44.99 and get $120 gift cards/coupons.
This offer is valid only for very few days and this coupon will be invalid once Hotstar doubles their prices – after all they bought telecasting rights of IPL 2020, World Cup T20, Asia Cup 2020 and all India playing cricket matches rights for millions of dollars.
Hotstar Free Trial USA Offer Details :
This is how it works. The actual price for 1 year Hotstar subscription acutally costs $50.
- Use promo code CMP41704 and get 10% immediate discount. So, the final price is just $45.
Click on ‘have a promo code?’ link in the payments page.
- You will receive a $20 coupon from By using this coupon, you can get $20 extra money into your Indian bank account whenever you transfer money.
For example, if you are sending $2000 USA to Indian account, your checkout page will show it as $2020 USD after applying that coupon.
- You will receive $100 hotel gift card (looks like below). You can use this $100 amount in portions any number of times.
For example, you are booking a hotel room in Mariott for $150 and let’s say they are allowing maximum of $40 discount. You can use that $40 discount now and remaining $60 in future for any other hotel bookings.
The Hotel gift card looks like below one.
In 1 line, Buy Hotstar yearly subscription for $45 (after 10% discount) and get $20 + $100 coupons for free.
Please confirm once you subscribed by sending an email to to receive the coupons with in 4 business days.
Remember to use the promo code CMP41704 in the sign up page.
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