When a client considers taking out a home loan, they are most concerned about how much they’ll be able to borrow, how much deposit they need to put down and how good their credit score is.
Mortgage brokers bring back the human element into finance services by making things simple for the client. To a financial institution, i.e. a bank they are just another transaction, but to a mortgage broker, you are a person with the hope of owning your own home.
How Does It Work?
- Tell Them What You Need.
There are different types of home loans namely:
- A Straightforward loan
- A first home owner’s loan
- A no deposit loan
- An investment property loan
- An SMSF loan
Whatever your goal, you need to relate this information to your broker.
- Comparing All The Lenders
A broker can make use of their expertise in the field and up-to-date software to compare different lenders and negotiate with them for the best possible offers.
- Completing The Paperwork
Having a specialised mortgage broker Sunshine Coast fill out the relevant paperwork, makes the process easier to get your loan approved. They can do this at a place of your choice during a time that suits you best.
- Providing Personal Service
With exceptional personalised service, a broker can negotiate the best deals with lenders throughout the life of the loan.
- Free service
The best benefit for the client is that the service is free of charge. A broker gets paid by the lenders for introducing potential home loan offers to them which will not influence the deal that you get from them.
What are the best advantages of making use of mortgage brokers?
- Expert advice at no cost to the client.
- A stress-free experience.
- No obligation.
- Better choices with better deals and better outcomes.
- A Higher success rate in getting loan approvals.
- Simplest and fastest way of comparing home loans.
- First Home Owners’ Grant
The first homeowners’ grant from Queensland is a Government initiative in helping clients obtain their first home sooner. Depending on the house being a new one, the client will receive a once-off gift of $20000 towards building or buying their new house, townhouse or unit (with a value of less than $750 0000). They even have the option of buying off the plan or choosing to build themselves. This is a fantastic opportunity for any potential new homeowner.
- How Do You Know If You Qualify For The Grant?
- You must be a permanent or Australian citizen or applying on behalf of someone who is.
- You and your spouse or partner cannot have any previously owned property in Australia.
- You must be 18 years or older of age.
- You must be building or buying a new house with a lesser value than $750 000.
- How Do You Start The Process Of Registering For The Grant?
The fastest and most reliable way is to obtain an application form from your mortgage broker of choice who will be lodging the form with your loan application to the lender of your preferred choice. The grant will be payable via the lender and made available at settlement. Alternatively, your request can be processed through the office of State Revenue which can be a tricky and complicated process.
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