As the old saying goes, “You are what you eat.” And it’s true—though it’s an incomplete analysis. You are what you eat, but you are also what you drink, smoke, and otherwise ingest. Your body will give you what you put into it. Which begs the question: What are you putting into it?
Now is the time to think about the food, beverages, and supplements that your body runs on. Making healthy choices can improve your mood, give you more strength and energy, and lengthen your life.
Eating and Drinking Right
Your body needs food to survive. That’s been true of humans from the start. But millions of years of evolution didn’t engineer bodies designed to run on Tostitos and vodka. Your body is designed to get the most out of certain types of food.
Unfortunately, the sorts of foods and drinks that are available in grocery stores and beverage centers include plenty of options that don’t suit our bodies’ needs. This is largely because they are processed foods. Processed foods have been engineered, transformed, and manufactured to appeal to our taste buds—with little or no regard for our bodies.
That’s why the shortest path toward healthier eating is the whole foods diet. Eating more whole (unprocessed) foods—especially vegetables—will virtually ensure that you’re taking in a healthy and balanced diet.
Booze, Smoking, and Other Dangers
Whole foods are good for you. Wine, cocktails, beer, and cigarettes? Not so much.
Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy a glass of whiskey some quiet evening. In fact, alcoholic beverages may be healthy—provided, of course, that you partake of them in moderation. A bit of wine or beer with dinner won’t destroy your body and allowing yourself the occasional indulgence can help you stick to overall health goals more easily. Just be sure to keep your alcohol consumption in check.
You can do that by controlling the supply of alcoholic beverages within your own home. It’s up to you how much beer ends up in your fridge—and whether it’s light beer or fancy, highly caloric craft beer. It’s up to you how much wine, rum, gin, and brandy is in the house.
Don’t turn your home into a bar; instead, make sure that your favorite beverages are available for a relaxing Friday night without stocking up on every brand and vintage wine that you can find. When you have enough to host friends on a Saturday but not enough to kill a bottle of wine on a Tuesday night, you’ve got the right amount.
An alcoholic beverage now and then won’t destroy a healthy lifestyle. Cigarettes can be more troubling, though. It’s not easy to quit nicotine, but it may be the best choice for your health. Failing that, consider alternative tobacco products and nicotine products, especially vape-based ones, which studies suggest may be healthier. And think about what else you could be smoking: Hemp products can be healthier options, especially when they contain CBD. A wild hemp cigarette or a CBD cigarette will generally not contain tobacco or nicotine; such products can make great alternatives to traditional cigarettes. Check out available CBD Flowers and Pre-roll joints here.
Supplements and Health
An ale, lager, or wild hemp cigarette could be a nice indulgence amid a healthy lifestyle. But CBD products can be more than just guilty pleasures; in fact, they can even make you healthier.
We’re still learning more about the positive health benefits of CBD, but we already know some very encouraging things, explain CBD experts who offer CBD hemp cigarettes and other CBD products. Studies have suggested that CBD can counter symptoms of anxiety, reduce nausea, limit inflammation, and more.
CBD products come in all shapes, sizes, and forms. There are CBD cigarettes, joints, vapes, tinctures, pills, edibles, and more. A CBD hemp flower is a marijuana alternative without THC (since THC is primarily responsible for marijuana’s famous high, THC-free weed won’t mess with your head—and THC-free products are much more widely legal than the other sort are). Break up some CBD hemp, and you’ll be able to roll healthier cigarettes; addicted smokers who mix in a little less tobacco each time they roll one may find it easier to quit.
CBD is one of many health supplements that you may want to make a part of your daily routine. Along with multivitamins, fish oil, and other proven winners, CBD can make you happy to remember that you are what you ingest.
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