Great News For Builders: Mobile Solar Generators Have Arrived

Great News For Builders: Mobile Solar Generators Have Arrived

Construction companies have long been using diesel generators to give them the power they need when they are working on sites that are remotely located and not on the National Grid.

Now, there are solar power solutions that provide clean and renewable energy to run their power tools. These tools come in the form of solar powered generators, a much-preferred solution to diesel generators.

Cost Cutting

If you need to run diesel generators for your site huts, this will be a costly way to provide you with the power you need, but with a mobile solar generator system that deploys solar panels, you have all the energy you need for an affordable cost. Builders in remote parts of Australia, for example, would have several solar generators in their inventory, which they regard as essential and the units can be fully deployed in just 30 minutes.

Comprehensive Off-Grid Power Solutions

There are many sectors that utilise solar generators, aside from the construction industry, which include the following:

  • First Responders
  • Event Management
  • Government Agencies
  • NGOs
  • Agriculture
  • Aquaculture

This technology is widely used by the above sectors, as it offers them total energy independence in the most remote locations, plus you can monitor the performance from any location if you use a smartphone app.

Online Solutions

If you happen to be in Australia and would like to learn more about mobile solar generators, a simple Google search will help you locate a leading Australian supplier, who can tailor the solution to best meet your requirements. You will be pleasantly surprised when you realise you have zero running costs with a solar mobile generator, rather than having to buy diesel for your generators, and the best time to start saving money is yesterday.

Reducing Your Carbon Footprint

Aside from the obvious savings, using solar generators greatly reduces your carbon footprint and this technology will hopefully be the future for remote construction projects, as well as other sectors that wish to make the switch to clean and renewable energy. The Australian government is fully committed to clean and renewable energy solutions and they might offer financial incentives to businesses that take up clean and renewable energy solutions.

Energy Source Integration

You can merge your solar mobile generator with grid electricity and diesel generators if you wish, and the supplier has many solutions, with products that are designed for specific purposes. If you have several energy sources at your disposal, you can make an informed decision and you will always have energy options.

Clean & Renewable Energy On Demand

Renewable Energy

Image Source: Freepik

If you are a builder who works at remote locations, a couple of solar generators are all you need to ensure that your energy needs are taken care of and with an online search, you can be talking to an established supplier who can help you make the right choices when it comes to solar mobile generators. Once you arrive onsite, the solar panels can be instantly deployed and in 30 minutes you have all the power you need to get to work.

Talk to a trusted provider of solar mobile generators and see what they can do for you.