The Internet giant Google has revealed some of the key search trends in 2012, in itsannual report which reveals trends on a global level and, indeed, by country.
The full Google’s Zeitgeist 2012 website is now live, marking its 12th annual look at all the searches that constituted what it calls the year’s ‘Zeitgeist’ – or, the spirit of the time. The top trending search term in 2012 was Whitney Houston, who died in February. Gangnam Style featured highly in second place, while Hurricane Sandy, iPad 3, Diablo 3 and Kate Middleton made up the remaining top 5.
The full top ten search terms were as follows:
- Whitney Houston
- Gangnam Style
- Hurricane Sandy
- iPad 3
- Diablo 3
- Kate Middleton
- Olympics 2012
- Amanda Todd
- Michael Clarke Duncan
- BBB12
Top ten searches :
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