Regardless of your business or location in Miami, competition is high. The new player in town wants to outrank you, and the big shots aren’t relenting either. When you consider that you’re all in the same pond to get the same fishes, then you’d realize that only the right Miami SEO services can help you!
But how can you find such?
You’d already tried a few SEO agencies, and the results were so poor-yielding that you hardly ever tried since then. But you can’t relent!
Let this piece guide you!
How To Get The Right Miami SEO in 3 Steps
For now, you might have to drop your business acumen and be an inspector. So, let’s start the inspections:
Fish Out The Agency’s Past Performances
Your business suffered over the past few years; you shouldn’t be looking for a web agency of similar experience. In your case, birds of the same feather should not flock together.
So, move out of the pack and look for the high flyers. How can you do that?
Create a list of three to five SEO agencies in Miami. You could use Google or recommendations from successful business owners.
After, explore the websites of the agencies on your list. Check their portfolio; what have they done and when? The ventures they helped, are those still running?
Also, look out for success stories and cross-check that with about pages. Are there any discrepancies? If yes, trim your list and go to the next phase inspector.
Seek Testimonials from Previous and Current Customers
Those businesses your choice SEO agencies helped; now is the time to reach out to them. It could be a friendly chat or email.
To prove your inspector instincts, you could search the marketing officers on LinkedIn. Connect with them and ask questions there – it works!
Say the contacts aren’t responding, try online reviews. You could Google something like “reviews of XYZ SEO agency.”
Then, you would see the feedback from customers – now, read.
In particular, you should look out for negative reviews and customers that worked with your choice agencies only once. Those would give the cons, and that’s what you need at the moment.
By now, the names on your list should go down a bit. No?
Scrutinize the agencies until you have just three. Why? The next phase is strenuous; it’s better to stress only on “the top three.”
Schedule a Meeting and Quell Your Fears
This last stage is the most important and most difficult of the three phases. It determines the success of your business. And it is difficult because if you make a poor decision, it’d haunt you and make you go back into your shell.
So, be careful here!
Put a call through to the contact points of the three agencies left on your list. Talk them up and schedule a meeting.
Once you fix the meeting, prepare your questions. Let the inquiries be strictly for your business. Then, meet up and raise your fears. Now, you’d repeat the process with the three.
Which of the three best convinces you? X, Y, or Z?
Pick the best and trust your guts! And voila, you’re meeting your business website on the first few pages on Google in a few months. Congrats!
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