Should I get Dental Implants or Dental Crowns?

Should I get Dental Implants or Dental Crowns?


The material used in dental crowns can vary. The most common of them all is ceramic as it is long lasting and supported with a metal structure that makes it more durable. A crown is placed over a decaying tooth to prevent it from any further damage and to also restore the proper bite. Crowns can also be used to support other teeth with the help of bridges. The main purpose of a bridge is to fill the gap between the teeth while the crown is in its place.

When compared to dental implants, the procedure for crowns and bridges is:

  • Affordable
  • Provides firmness to the jaw
  • Looks real
  • Easy to clean

A few disadvantages might include:

  • Washing away of the material used
  • Filing the tooth for proper shape is irreversible

Misconceptions among people

Often people think that crowns might not decay, but the reality is much the opposite. The dental crowns can also get infected and are as much susceptible to decay as any other teeth.


Dental implants are vital substitutes for crowns and bridges. At first, an X-ray is taken of the jaw to see if the bone density is adequate. This is usually done to check if the gums can even hold the implant. The procedure involves the insertion of a titanium structure into the jaw bone through surgery and is usually given some time until the bone fuses with the metal structure inside the jaw. Once it is successfully operated, the artificial tooth is screwed into the metal.

Dental implants are usually considered as the best treatment for tooth decay. It is convenient as well as durable. The cost of the procedure might seem on the higher end, but the value for money is worth it. It provides comfort, speech gets far better, it is easier to chew, and most importantly, dental implants make you look good because they look like your own teeth.

The major problems that occur at times are infections which can occur around the implant area. This can also damage the surrounding teeth leading to problems like nerve damage, sinus problems and numbness.

According to the website of Pearl Dental PC, a dentist in Farmington Hills, when a single tooth is missing, a bridge is often selected as the remedy. However, that can often require the structure of other teeth to be destroyed in creating room for the bridge. However, an implant does not require any adjustments to adjacent teeth as it is an independent process involving only the tooth requiring attention.

The dentist evaluates the oral health of the patient, and depending on that examination, further decisions are made. For an implant, it is important to have healthy gums to ensure better support for the structure. If the patient is fit for either of the two procedures, it comes down to personal preference. Dental implants are expensive when compared with crowns; but in the long run, they are more cost-effective. It is also a safer option as dental crowns are not a permanent solution, and they can also wear off more frequently. On the other hand, the metal used in dental implants is titanium which is resistant to decay and also prevents gum diseases if proper care is given. In most cases, dental implants are preferred in lieu of dental crowns and considered as the best solution.