A mixture of variety of thoughts culminated into a singular word, Genesis! The Google dictionaries give the meaning for this word “The origin or mode of formation of something”.
What makes a man the ‘happiest’ ? For a singular moment! I might want to differentiate here between men and women, hence the above question, may be, to a far extent, is applicable to be questioned only to men. And NOT women. (Please don’t count me as someone discriminating against women!, I hope I have a point to make.)Women have a gift. A gift directly by natural selection. A gift attributed to its gender for almost all species that we know of. I am talking of the genesis, the gift of giving birth to an offspring. For a singular moment, a bliss!
Men are deviod of such a gift. We are indeed discriminated by the nature! And that’s one reason why we all, men, endlessly try to find that particular ‘genesis’ that makes their singular moment, at least for some of us.
The ‘genesis’ of these thoughts came from a song ! (by AR Rahman, from the movie Robo), where one of the lines say, “magaadu kanna magavada“, which translates (not word to word) to “you who is born from the womb of man”. As long as Man cannot give birth to his ‘child’ through the tough child bearing process, he cannot have bliss ! Evolution seems to have answer for almost every action that we do. Thanks Darwin. He certainly had his blissful times !!
The same movie has one more interesting conversation. I would like to put it here in simple terms. A robotics scientist creates a Robot and some experts start to test its capabilities. One last question asked to it is
Expert Question: “Does God Exist?”
Robot: “Who is God?”
Expert who asked the question: “One who creates”.
Robot: “My creator is next to me, God exists!” .
These few trivial lines really moved me. Even now when I am just typing this conversation, I had wet eyes already!
An idea, a creation, a thought, anything that is carried by man, the passion coming from inside, from the womb, from the ambilical cord is the birth of a new purpose. For parents who give birth to a successful person, wishful happy tears proves the coming of the happiest times. For those who give shape to their ideas, the achievement, the accolades and the very existence of his creativity is bliss. One cannot explain in meaningful language how that feels. You have to feel it yourself.
Create your imagination. Be God yourself. That is why they all say, God is everywhere, god is within us. May be its true!
When we had this WorthvieW started, we knew its our ‘product’. But after more than two years of life with it, its much more than just a simple product. Its our child. Our genesis ! Bliss.
And I am not going to follow any family planning. I have more children to follow ! Stay tuned. We have something in store for you all !
The more I think of this weird idea , the more I like it. The more you think of this weird idea, the more you will like it too !
Stay foolish,
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This is exactly what Trivikram wanted to tell in Khaleja. People who can believe and understand this idea need not fear for anyone expect themselves.
this is exactly what trivikram wanted to show in Khaleja….. People who understand this concept will success in their lives with no fears:)