Fun facts about Facebook probably you didn’t know (INFOGRAPHIC)

facebook addict

Some cool and interesting facts about Facebook:

1.  60+% of people online use Facebook to stalk their ex! Now are you one of them?
2.  Close to a billion photos uploaded on Facebook every month.
3.  More than 300 million active users on Facebook! You’re not alone!
4.  30+ million profiles have their status messages updated at least once every day.
5.  70% of college students on Facebook log in every single day, that’s no surprise now, is it?
6.  An average user has about 130 friends.
7.  More then 6 billion people spent their time on facebook.
8.  More then 3 million events created each month.
9.  10 million people become fans each day,
10.  Facebook is open in up to 70 different languages.
11.  70% of the facebook users live outside of the US.
12.  If Facebook were its own country, it would be the third most populous nation in the world behind China and India–both countries have       populations north of one billion people.
13.  There are well over one billion computers in use in the world today, which is twice the number of Facebook users.In 2008, research     firm Gartner predicted there would be two billion active computers in the world by 2010. Assuming that both will still be going strong     in three years, who will get to two billion first, the PC or Facebook?

And here is an Info-graphic from  Infographic Show Case ( Click on the image for better view )
