Friends, Friendship and a day…
Happy Friendship day wishes to all. Not only a belated wish for yesterday, but warm whole hearted wishes to all friends for all days.
Few incidents that happened yesterday on this friendship day, to me makes it look either a co-incidence or to prove that its actually an enlightening feeling to have friends and one day, to miss them.
A sudden meeting of four friends in my room (a final year passed out, his seniour, his supra senior, n his -donno-5yr super senior), spending the whole night as if we were still in hostels ! and then as dawn arrives, without even realising it, its time for one of us to leave …. He is leaving for US for may be, another two years. We gave a warm send-off ….
Somehow, I didn’t want it to happen. Not at least today. This one day, I not only wanted to wish my friends a very happy day, but also wanted not to miss them. Not to miss them.
By evening, everyone went back and ya I am alone. I have three ways now to try and not to be alone.
I tried calling many of my friends on my phonebook, few picked and we had some good time remembering good old days, but few other were out of reach, some are busy, some did’nt pick up my call, and the rest, I was unable to make a call may be because its been too long that I called them. I should not have hesistated.
Then I tried sitting online to chat with some more friends. Then I got this line on one of my friend’s profile on facebook:
” What does it mean when the number of wedding invites you get from friends is increasing and the time you can spend with them is decreasing? “. My experience also had friend/s who are ‘busy’ with their own marriages and engagements and didn’t have time to say a heartful wish. (Ofcourse, I do want them to get married :P. Its just the ‘missing’ that makes a cry!)
Last, I know whats the best to do not to be alone. I have myself with me, your best friend ever, listens to whatever you say, fights with you, thinks more than what you can ever imaging.
I wished myself a very happy friendship day. The moment I did it, I felt why should one ever feel tha t we miss friends? We won’t. Never. The desire to spend more time with our dear ones makes us think so.
Complaining that they dont have much time for us now, or they are busy , etc means only devaluating your relation, Instead, thinking of all the good times we had with our friends itself takes us to them. Isn’t it ?
Lots of captions are written for movies on love. But this one is for all friends.
” Don’t miss friendship. Get it back yourself ”
Happy Friendship day all through the years….
WorthvieW Team
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I agree completely
I agree completely