As a student using an online essay writing service sounds like a great deal. All students have to do is submit the instructions for their essays to the service, and then a professional writer does the rest. In hiring these services, students are supposed to receive a well-written, plagiarism-free essay to turn into their college professor.
All of this sounds great until things go wrong. Several students have paid for online essay writing services only to be handed back a total wreck of a paper that they couldn’t possibly turn in for a decent grade. In other cases, they paid for the writing to be done only to not receive anything back. While there are several reputable online essay writing services out there, many of them are scams.
Quality Writing Isn’t Cheap
One of the first things that signals that the online essay writing service is fake is really low prices compared to other ones. The one thing students need to remember is that nobody will do free work, even if they are just starting out.
When thinking about reasonable prices, consider how much work needs to go into the essay. This includes researching, writing, and proofreading. Most reputable companies will charge a few dollars per page.
Same Website, Different Domain Names
By paying for several different domain names, businesses can expand their reach. When coming across several writing services websites that look the same, chances are the same person owns them. Business owners replicate the website template but change the domain name in hopes of finding more customers.
No Support or Limited Support
The reputable online essay writing services will offer their customers various levels of support. They believe in leaving their customers satisfied in the hopes they will continue to use their services. If the writing service offers very limited means of support or no support, something is not right.
Always ask about what kind of support the service offers before placing your order. Find out how long a response time is expected when sending an email if they offer any money-back guarantee and more. Fake companies will advertise in a way that makes a person think they have access to 24-hour support, but they don’t. These fly-by-night companies will provide a student with a horribly written essay and then disappear.
Faked Reviews
Of all of the signs to look for, this one sounds the most straightforward, but it is also the hardest one to spot. When looking at different writing service websites, most people aren’t thinking about being scammed with a fake review. However, it happens more than a person thinks.
Spotting fake reviews can be a bit difficult, but not impossible. Pay attention to the wording and sentence structure, but most of all, the tone. Most of your fake reviews will come across as very formal in tone. They use words that aren’t used in everyday conversations to try to impress their clients.
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