Forbes Names Controlio as Top Employee Monitoring Software of 2022

Forbes Names Controlio as Top Employee Monitoring Software of 2022

Forbes named Controlio the most transparent employee monitoring software out of dozens of options. They named Controlio the best employee monitoring software of 2022 for protecting employee privacy. This comes at a time when privacy is more important than ever. Forbes also praised Controlio for having the best data controls on the market and added to its best employee monitoring software list. These controls give employees more control over their data and let companies share efficiency data with their workers.

Important Facts:

  • Forbes says Controlio is the best employee monitoring software for keeping an eye on employees and encouraging openness.
  • Controlio was named the best choice for employee protection by Forbes.
  • Forbes looked at how much different employee tracking software costs, how easy they are to use, and what features they offer.

Meeting the Demand for Privacy and Transparency

Regarding privacy and openness, Controlio has always been ahead of the curve. These have been two of the most essential parts of the company’s employee tracking software since it started in 2016.

Ivan Petrovic, founder and CEO of Controlio, said that secrecy and openness are the most important things for most businesses in today’s digital workplace.

Mr. Petrovic said privacy and openness have never been more critical in today’s increasingly digital world.

“Privacy and openness have been at the heart of our product from the start because they help companies and employees trust each other.” There is a thin line between privacy and openness. We walk it by involving staff in the whole process, which is something other solutions need to do. Today, more and more companies are coming to us with privacy in mind. We can meet their needs because our product was initially designed with privacy in mind.

Why Forbes Selected Controlio

Forbes made its list of the best employee tracking software because companies need it more now that more people work from home. Software for monitoring employees lets companies hold people accountable, track output, and judge efficiency from anywhere.

Jennifer Simonson, a Forbes writer, said, “Controlio is the best choice for employee privacy.”

“The software has modes for being seen and modes for being hidden.” Visible mode gives workers more control over who can see their info. Companies can encourage workers to be responsible by giving them thorough reports. Simonson said Controlio is the best option for businesses that want to be open and give workers power over their data.

Forbes listed six main reasons why you should choose Controlio:

  • Real-time monitoring
  • Time and attendance tracking
  • Monthly and annual plans
  • It uses both visible and stealth mode
  • Live support for all plans
  • Trail option

About Controlio

Controlio’s software for monitoring employees is used by more than 130,000 people every day and is trusted by global brands. It helps control and boost productivity, improve workflows, and support employee well-being. The software includes an employee tracker, automatic time tracking, tools for working from home, and much more. Get more info about the software here