In the last five years, we’ve had food trucks, gluten-free, meat-free Mondays, and cauliflower mash. What food trends can we expect to see in 2019? The good news is that we will see no decline in restaurant servers pushing for you to add a salad to your protein instead of fries, and the even better news is that kitchens will continue the move to seasonal and local produce food over canned or imported.
Carry on reading to discover the major food and restaurant trends coming soon.
Small Format Restaurants
Bars and wine lounges are moving into the experimental food scene. Placing a bowl of nuts on your table will no longer be enough. Creative wine lists, adventurous bar food or tasting menus, and clued-up service will be offered in wine bars and cocktail lounges. Taking a drinks order and then passing it on to the mixologist is strictly yesteryear.
Smaller format restaurants with countertop seating and service, and food served on coffee tables will also spread like wildfire in 2019. This casual style of eating is what diners have been moving towards for a few years now. Alongside the informal setting, you will see the rise of open, observable kitchens and tasting menus featuring locally-sourced delicacies.
Eating In
Knowledgeable chefs sold their restaurants at the turn of this century and bought food trucks. Last year, they began to sell their food trucks and move into meals delivered to the home. Eating in the comfort and convenience of home is what people prefer to do now.
Meals eaten at home can be achieved in many different ways. You can go old school by preparing and cooking foodstuffs bought that day in the market or opt for the ready-made meals approach. It is also possible to download an app that allows you to order from your device and pay using various acceptable methods or pick up the phone and speak to the restaurant directly.
Hungry foodies in Toronto can order from the best restaurants in town without even having to pick up a phone. They visit Foodora online, make their selection, and when the meal is ready, it’s delivered nice and hot to their doorstep.
Device Ban Eating
Many of you reading this will definitely be saying, “It’s about time.” If more than two people are eating together, there will be a strict no-device rule in force, no matter if you are seated on the couch or dining at a five-star restaurant. In the big scheme of things, there may come a time when someone has the sense to make this rule enforceable in ways other than a simple request.
If this might be a problem for anyone who is on call or working in a different time zone, then eat together with them some other time. To avoid complicated explanations, let everyone know beforehand that there is a ban on smartphones and other devices during the meal you serve.
Do any of these trends sound appealing to you? Try them out and see for yourself.
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