Oddly enough, but a hindrance to achieving the objectives of the sport may just be mode. The more systematic approach to training you choose, the more quickly your body adapts to physical stress. What now: long live the lack of system and chaos? Not at all. Our choice – variety, especially in fitness!
Here are some main tips on how to improve the efficiency of conventional fitness training for weight loss.
Train in the evening
American psychologists have concluded that the right time for sports – early evening from 17 hours. At this time of the day our body is in optimum condition: the muscles are ready to loads, the joints are more mobile than in the morning. This effect is not full because it was early evening, the body temperature is at its peak, with each degree Celsius heart rate quickens about ten beats per minute, and nerve conduction speeds. Therefore, in these hours our breathing becomes easier, faster response, and physical fatigue does not occur as quickly as eight in the evening. Thus, both training runs more efficiently.
Do not forget to relax
Professional coaches, and with them, and sports doctors go on about the importance of warming up before and cool down after a workout. Although it would seem, what can be the judge of leisurely hands and stupid step-touch-steps from side to side, especially if you come to the extremely energetic training. And where is the action? Meanwhile, it is in the warm-up you can prepare the body for the upcoming load so that it responded to her beautifully shaped muscle relief, not stretched ligaments and pain in the knees.
Cooling down after exercise is important, not less because it helps remove accumulated in the course of employment lactic acid, which is a common cause of muscle cramps. If you feel that you over train, and fear that tomorrow will be “a little disabled,” spend more time to cool down – a dip in the pool, spend a full stretch or go to Pilates. This will remove the delayed muscle soreness. The effect will be double! On the one hand, you spend energy to cool down more than usual, but tomorrow will be much more cheerful.
Change the coach
Of course, we all choose on their own. And the coach as well. Perhaps the problem lies in the effectiveness of it.
Did you like the style and approach of one coach, and you only visit his classes. Our bodies also “like” when he knows what to expect from the training. 20 squats, 30 lunges and 40 twists to the press – everything is known and predictable. Try to perform the same exercise with another instructor, and it is possible that you will immediately feel the difference.
Add additional training
It is possible that you originally chose the gentle style of training, and your body requires much more physical activities. Especially in matters of fitness if you are not a beginner.
To maintain a good shape enough to train 2-3 times a week for about 1 hour, of course, subject to the correct diet. But for significant changes and improvements to the physical form is not enough. We’ll have to add cardio. Where to take the time and effort? Try to combine business with pleasure and spend the next 40 minutes of your usual workout on a stationary bike with a favorite book or textbook language. Or go to the sauna after a workout: Finnish sauna can be compared to the classic cardio. The fact is that the heart rate in high temperature quickens to 120 beats per minute, which is comparable with the occupation on the elliptical trainer or treadmill.
Try a new
Expand your concept of fitness. I enjoy cycling or think that there is nothing better than strength training, but yoga and belly dancing – not your thing? Or, conversely, do not understand the fans benching from the breast? Have you tried?
Bring in your fitness schedule changes. Make it a rule once a week to visit a new occupation. For example, go to the gym for boxing or karate. All you need to do this, – a sufficient number of self-irony. After all, surely you will come across an experienced and perhaps too serious athletes. The development of all new triggers adrenaline in the blood under the influence of which we can bear heavy loads and spend more energy.
Fortunately, the format of most fitness clubs allows us to partake in many sports, not making a circular route around the city. And it is not necessary to become a follower and a connoisseur. Just try new!
Your club is next to the house, but you get there by car anyway – it is so convenient. Feel free to get out of your comfort zone! Try to park the car in the parking lot and let the road to the house will take more time, but you will spend it in motion, and a walk in the fresh air will benefit. And, of course, do not forget the stairs instead of elevators – not such a small thing! Run at all useful, and run up the stairs – twice.
About the Author: Carol James is an EssayLab psychology department writer and senior editor. She has MA degree in social sciences and is an excellent specialist in this field. Carol work with numerous materials on the subject and is eager to share her knowledge with our readers.
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