Philosophic Warning: Though the post has lots of personal ‘booing’ , all I hope while telling my experiences is to have someone get help out of them. All the thoughts mentioned below are out of pure personal experience and they can be totally wrong!
Energy and Peace: Two big words! Each of them are Huge and I cant quickly think of any bigger words in terms of present day significance. They mean different (or opposite?) according to many English dictionaries. Can they exist at the same time or are there any contradictions for mutual existence ?? No Idea (and please don’t ask me to Get Idea , I am fed up of that Ad now! )
I have an altogether different ‘feeling’ about these two words. The impression was a mixture of two ideas at two different instances. The first of them is Tennis. For sure, like any other physical activity (Gym, Swimming, Cycling or Running), it does need a lot of energy. Add few extra pounds of weight, it drains you faster and severe. And when you drain, the play gets affected as you cannot put your full self, accuracy and speed gets reduced especially while trying for a strong serve, consequently troubling the concentration. Make many mistakes and you are already gone out of your game. End line: Loss of Peace. The loss of an internal calmness that one can feel when he throws the ball up in the air and while it is coming down, nothing else comes into the mind, nothing else is visible, except for the green of the ball. Bang. When mind is calm and peaceful, and not with much of energy that we generally think we need, we can generate more speed, more accuracy and consistently! So, when energy is running out, if we can take time, get the missing calmness, you regenerate ! Energy is regenerated out of peace ! (This small idea is more or less inspired from a Telugu movie: Amma Nanna O Tamila Ammayi by Puri Jagannath. Though it is inspired, I saw it working !). Its not so easy obviously, and it took me around two years to just understand that this can happen! And when I do this, I call it the Kick in the Ass Game! I know there are physical limitations of one’s energy and you cannot endlessly keep on re-generating 😛 , but there is a definite amount of kick by keeping peace.
The other main experience I have is with my preparation. Whenever it gets tough to study, when the energy levels are low after a long or hectic day at office or otherwise, when the calmness of mind is lost for various other or ‘extra curricular’ reasons, you are down and frustrated and it is highly ‘addictive‘. After careful thought on how to handle these low situations, my best find is to again fight for peace. When we talk of concentration while studying, we talk of keeping other things aside, forcefully. We do it forcing the mind not to think of other things but only study and study. Thats not going to work forever. Our mind is more delicate than our heart !!! You cannot force, you give it peace. Give time to sway the thoughts away, or give them enough thought that they die out of helplessness or getting answered. You get all the energy to study again. Many a times , people do ask me how I am managing time between office and study. I am not managing time , I think I am managing my energy better. Add to this preparation an hour of tennis, my energy levels are at the highest. The energy generated out of physical activity stays for a long time, and after eight hrs of office, one hour of tennis, I can energitically deliver another seven hours of study !!
But in both the occasions above, there is an underlying passion that drives to be calm, to regenerate and to perform.
Bringing a bigger picture, I felt why a similar type of relation between Energy and Peace cannot be made in the current international affairs to solve some of the ‘eternal problems’. Every country wants Peace ( at least in principle, but they don’t really know why they want it ! ) and every country needs Energy (oil, nuclear, thermal, solar, hydro and anything else technology can provide). They do not realize that Energy is Peace. They do not have the passion (read, political will) to sort out and regenerate peace, and thereby energy. We fight for energy, losing people, time, resources and finally losing Peace. Losing Peace is losing energy. Fight is in vain. We have enough experiences already (read, Iraq War, Afghan War, World Wars and now the middle east crisis), still we prefer not to learn.
Two big words, but not different. Peace is Energy! Lets build Peace. Energy is there to see. Hope we have lots and lots of peaceful time still on this planet!
P.S. : There is another small confusion whenever I want to share a personal experience. Since WorthvieW is a child of two guys (yes, guys can give birth too ! :P) we never wanted to use any personal attributes while signing. So if any of you readers has doubts when we did all these, please remind yourselves that it might be the other guy !
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