What do you think is the most crucial factor to lead one to a personal success and an absolute financial independence? One could, probably, go into detail about family values, a formidable social network, and an overall positive attitude to life. Those statements would, surely, stand to reason to some extent. However, speaking of the financial aspect of the matter, career achievements play one of the most relevant parts of one’s personal development. And, of course, one cannot build a successful career without the years of education behind him/her.
Why People Strive for Getting a Higher Education
It has long been a norm for employers to hire only those applicants who have a diploma proving their professional integrity. Eventually, none of the companies would wish to have employees that need to be taught and supervised in every single task they perform. For some major part of employers, the graduation from college arrives as the best evidence of a person’s ability to perform the issued assignments properly and fulfill the working duties without reproach.
Employers’ Opinion
According to the recent research findings, seven out of ten employers surveyed point out that both universities and colleges do a formidable job when it comes to preparing future specialists. As the researchers admit, nearly 72% percent of HR managers are pleased with the level of professional and communicative skills college graduates demonstrate during interviews. The figures indicate that some vast majority of companies would hire a specialist who’s undergone a substantial training program and has got all the required professional skills.
Regarding the work experience, it comes as an important aspect to cover too. The fact is few graduates can actually boast of the qualities of an all-around worker who’s got a chance to familiarize himself/herself with this or that particular field of business. When choosing among the two candidates with one having no work experience and the other one knowing the sphere well, an employer would, probably, choose the second one. However, there are still those who believe that experience comes with practices, which is just a matter of time, and that it values less than the luggage of knowledge a person has managed to acquire over the years of study.
Reasons to Try One’s Best in College Activities
Although, some students are convinced that Grade Point Average (GPA) means less than the diploma itself the current practice shows that graduates are often forced to compete with each other to occupy the desired position. Thus, when comparing a candidate with better grades to the one with poorer achievements HR managers would give preferences to the first one all the way. In this particular case, one might start feeling regrets for not caring for the college marks, as well as other activities people choose to engage in. Among that one may figure out the following:
- Extracurricular activities
- Professional clubs
- Athletics
- Community services
- Public organizations
When it comes to the skills that employers value most professional integrity and higher education play one of the most relevant parts in achieving a long-anticipated success. It is therefore of huge importance for everyone to try his/her best during the study at school and later at college. The harder you work the better are the chances you’ll get a job allowing you to fulfill all of your dreams. So, let no further minute be wasted and start building your future right now!
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