Maintaining your target weight is much challenging than the diet itself. A lot of people may have successfully achieved their weight and fitness goals efficiently. However, the struggle is real when it comes to maintaining. This is one reason why a lot are regaining their previous weights and start all over again from the beginning.
Now, executing a diet for losing and shredding weight can be a real challenge but it is important for you to note that this is just the starting point of your journey. Hence, maintaining you achieved and targeted weight is the real deal in this case.
You don’t want to feel great and be back again from where you were, right? Although the maintaining part of your diet can seemingly appear as a very difficult task, there are actually much easier and simpler ways you could do.
- Set Your Mind
The very first thing you need to do is to set your mind. You have to stick into your mind that this journey is a very long one. Hence, having your desired fitness figure is just the start.
Without setting straight your mind and thinking that once you achieved your target weight is the end of it, you will not succeed. Accordingly, you will just end up where you once were and will obtain the same concerns again in relation to your goals.
- List Your Goals
While having the desired weight is your main goal in this case, you have to note that maintaining it is a different kind of story. If you really want to feel good and never look back on the way things were, make sure to list all down your goals as to maintaining your feel-great weight.
- Plan Your Meals
As for your meals and food consumption, it is important for you to keep everything in balance. The things you did and took while you are on your diet may be improved. You may either stay on the type of diet you took or you may plan anew again.
You may do this on a weekly basis or right before you go to your grocery shopping. Through and by this, your food consumption will be controlled and guided efficiently.
- Finalize Your Groceries
Once you have planned your meals, say for the week – it is now the time for you to finalize all the things you need to buy during your grocery shopping. Planning is the key but finalizing your plans into actions is largely the crucial part.
Before you head out, make sure you have listed all the groceries and food you need that will fall accordingly to your planned meals.
- Chew Your Food
During your food consumption, make sure to always chew your food. And when “chew” is stated, it means that you have to ensure that you chew efficiently before swallowing your food. According to specialists and experts, it is recommended for you to chew your food 25 to 50 times before swallowing.
This will enable you to feel a little bit fuller than the usual since you are savoring every bite you take.
- Eat Often Times
While eating often times may appear as an ironic thing to do, it has been found that eating every 2 to 3 hours a day on a minimum serving will help you lose and maintain your weight. Apparently, this will make you feel full at all times and will hinder you from craving too much.
- Hydrate Yourself
Drinking water will never be out of from the list, evidently. Water is a very essential factor in losing weight and maintaining figure. You may actually have patronized this practice during your diet but know that complete hydration of yourself will also help you in maintaining your weight and figure.
- Leave Out All The Extras
In the recent times, extra of a something during meal times is one of the must-eliminate practices. A lot of people are very much into adding extras especially on dishes and courses. For instance, an extra cheese or an additional side dish is usually ordered and purchase in many restaurants.
In losing weight and maintaining it, you have to eliminate this kind of practice. Although you may already have achieved your target figure, you need to still observe what you eat and consume every now and then if you do really want to stay on track.
- Never Forget To Detox
Similarly to hydration, detoxification is also an essential thing in these kinds of matters. There are quite a lot of ways you could do in executing a detox. Aside from shredding pounds and losing weight, detox can largely help you clean your overall system.
- Stop Depriving
Although most of these things may seem to be controlling and a bit strict, you must be able to balance all these things. Hence, deprivation must not be really entertained. You may actually set a day in a week wherein you could eat anything you want.
- Schedule Your Fitness Routines
Your fitness routines for maintenance may not be as intense as your previous ones while you are on your diet but you still have to make time for it. Try to make a clear schedule wherein you could still practice and do some of your essential routines.
- Have A Weekly Sport
Playing an active sport once in a week is also essential. You may try to include this on a weekend or even an hour after your work and before going home. Also, you may opt to play sports at home with your family and friends.
- Transform Your Daily Activities into Workouts
Apparently, your daily activities such as chores, commuting, and alike can be transformed into workout routines. While cleaning your home, you may actually include sounds and music and do some “moves” and sweat the excess fats.
Moreover, commuting going to and from your work can be a great exercise. You may instead do brisk walking and jogging.
- Use Gym Equipment at Home
There are quite a lot of gym equipment that are stationary can be placed at home. One great example of this is the stationary bike. Apparently, exercise bike helps to weight loss. You may do this every time you are not occupied.
- Maximize Morning Routines
Your morning periods can be a busy one especially if you do have work or priorities to be done. However, if you really want to maintain your feel-great weight successfully – you have to make sure that you make time for it and maximize all the time you have.
Morning exercises such as meditation and yoga are very helpful activities in doing so. You may actually complete a good set of these within 15 to 30 minutes before taking a bath and once you wake up.
Ultimately, there are possibilities that you already know these things. Although these things may appear very cliché and easy to do, applying these on a daily basis requires management, control, and discipline.
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