Sitting next to a fireplace and watching the flickering flames conjure a visual delight with a cup of hot chocolate for company surely seems like the ideal way we would like to spend those chilly winter nights. But modern-day homes are increasingly being plagued by the shortage of space which is causing designers to come up with the unique concept of the electric fireplace.
Devoid of any requirement for further construction, chimney or the firewood, the electric models bring along increased portability as you drag them across the room for being positioned at the cozy corner of your house. LED lights create the illusion of a crackling fire and a mirror element rolls and reflects the light to pave the way for realistic looking flames.
The long-lasting LEDs consume bare minimum energy and can carry on for 50000 hours before being replaced. Enough said, let’s now take a look at the crucial pointers you need to keep in mind if you decide to buy electric fireplaces.
- Size has an integral role to play while you decide to bring home an electric fireplace since an utterly small one will be hardly noticeable whereas a large one might heat up the room too fast. In an average, the electric fireplace requires the standard 120 volts for its operation coming from an outlet drawing 12.5 amps and 1500 watts. Apart from the floor area, you also need to take the amount of wall insulation, ceiling height, flooring type and requirement of warmth into consideration.
- Electric fireplaces come in an array of options when it comes to style. The wall mounted ones are tailor made for large rooms. You can even go for an entertainment centre stocked with an electric fireplace at the bottom. Usually, these units come with a remote control which helps in turning the electric fireplace on and off with the simple click of a button. Some even come with thermostat option for cycling the fireplace on and off as per requirement. Other options include flickering embers, flames and sound of crackling woods to bring back the quintessential flavor of a wooden fireplace. Certain electric fireplaces have a flame-only option which lets you enjoy the beautiful view of a crackling fire without actually producing any heat.
- The positioning of the heater vents also plays an important role in determining the affectivity of your electric fireplace. Flammable carpet fibers, for example, might pose as a cause of concern if the electrical fireplace has heater vents at the bottom. You also need to be careful about placing the same on a TV or curtains where top ventilation is a strict no-no.
Household interiors have undergone a tremendous transformation with the passage of time causing the sleek and trendy designer pieces to replace the heavy-weight furniture. Electric fireplaces have received massive adulteration with the immense comfort and usability it brings along compared to the brick and mortar ones. They offer adjustable warmth like that of space heaters without letting go of the aesthetic appeal of having a traditional fireplace. They remain cool to touch even while the heater is in use and the heating vent is the only space which gets a bit warmer making the electric fireplace the perfect solution if you have children or pets. But with the market filled with innumerable options, it might become pretty tricky to select the one which shall be in sync with your requirements. Our tips can be of help in such a case as you ensure to check as many boxes as possible while heating your home properly and in accordance with the safety standards.
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