Plan your Time, Write your mind:
This thinking came up to me when I sat down to see what all things happened in 2009 in my life. I was able to find some real good ‘highlights’ in my last year and overall I rate 2009 around 7/10. Pretty good rating huh ?! Apart from the highlights and few other very nice moments, I was with ‘unhealthy’ mind for some ‘valuable’ part of the year. Generally in our ‘overall’ ratings, this gets skipped.
When I look at the bad things that happened , I feel like changing. But there are somethings in this world that will never change !!
When I look at the good things that happened, I feel to have them this year, next year and everytime. But! Change it seems, is inherent in every system of the universe.
Contradicting myself, I ended up writing up my mind thinking it might help in making things clear. I don’t want to repeat the unhealthy time I had last year.
2010 is already 16 days old ! I missed giving a grand opening to the new year. Simply to speak, there is nothing much I did (literally nothing! and I don’t count office work as something I ‘did’) in the last two and half weeks. I am not talking of goals of life or productive work and anything like that. I am just talking of life and living life. And when we add goals, passions, ideals to this, definitely some time lost. The more we live, the more its getting deviated from what we want to do and what we end up doing.
When in the movie ‘3 idiots’ its shown that sometimes parents, education system or social conditions restrict in not allowing to do what we want in life, We take it to be valid. But when we are totally out of all those and are ‘free’ to do anything, we are not faring any better!!!! Strange yet again!!!!
I donno how 2010 would turn out finally for me, but I want to not just spend my time, but earn my time while spending ! Unhealthy times are strictly prohibited.
I don’t mind not having a grand opening, but I do wish a good exit !
It sounds strange to ‘plan’ our life (life is not a insurance scheme to plan! :P), but a year’s time can definitely be earned, if not planned.
Take life year by year. Make sure every year is filled with everything you want to see in your life. I am going to do that.
Fill it with friends, music, little work, little study, family, knowledge, wisdom, fun, love, cricket, 0 % sadness and 0% idleness.
Be passionate, run your life. Make 2010 a memorable number in your life. Give life a chance.
I don’t much like giving free advises but I do like to share my mind, given any takers. That’s Human ! Isn’t it ?
We want to see our shadows everywhere. If we can see ourselves and our reflections everywhere, how beautiful this world can be !!!
Do something not for the country, not for your brethren, but for yourself. Just yourself. They are never alone that are accompained with noble thoughts.
See yourself in everything. Feel it.
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Great post !!
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Great post !!
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