Dreams and nightmares are the most common things associated with sleep. Research shows that dreams help to consolidate your memory, whereas commonly held beliefs have it that they help you to solve real-world problems.
Whatever the purpose of dreams, they do have a significant impact on our lives. You might remember your dreams as fragments of scenarios. Some might even have vivid dreams where they are fully aware that they are in a dream; however, these are rare occurrences.
Erotic dreams could be affected by one’s sexual activity or hormonal conditions. A bad dream, on the other hand, may even affect your sleep, as they may lead to sleep disorders such as insomnia.
Dreams are a pretty powerful phenomenon, and they have much to do with how you sleep, which includes your sleeping positions.
How to change what you dream about with your sleep position
Whether it’s a good night’s sleep leading to positive dreams or vice versa, the connection between the two is no surprise. Since sleep acts as the getaway to nocturnal fantasies, the way you sleep directly affects your dreams.
Sleeping positions
Studies have shown that your position of resting determines the type of dream you see. For example, when you sleep on your side, you’ll have different dreams than when you sleep on your back. Individuals who sleep on their right side experience a lot more positive dreaming than those who sleep on their left side. Sleeping on your stomach or in a face-down position has been shown to lead to more erotic and strange dreams.
Sleeping on your back is linked with more nightmares. People who sleep on their backs also have a lot more trouble remembering their dreams. Some people often go with multiple positions during their sleep cycle, shifting and changing until they recognize a more comfortable position where they start experiencing better dreams.
Sleep experts believe that the link between sleeping positions and dreams has a lot to do with how the body is pressured. Our body reacts differently to the pressure felt during deep sleep. It is a good idea to use an original weighted blanket to have a good sleep and pleasant dreams. These blankets are designed to mimic a cuddle and apply gentle pressure on the body.
Sleeping convenience
Although your sleep position does affect your dreams for better or worse, the quality of your sleep may deteriorate by switching to an unnatural or unfamiliar position. Some dreams may not have any relation with your sleeping position but with other external factors, such as work-problems, trauma, depression, anxiety, sleeping disorders, hormones, etc.
Lateral sleeping may be better for people with heart disease or gastroesophageal reflux disease, so switching to another position may rob you of these health benefits. On the other hand, sleeping on your back can lead to lower back pain while sleeping face down could hurt your neck. And alternating between multiple positions often leads to restlessness, thus doing more harm than good. It is recommended to stick to a position that is more comfortable for you.
Prepare your body and mind before going to bed
Your physical and mental health statuses have a lot to do with your sleeping patterns. By maintaining good health, a decent routine, and a consistent sleep cycle, you will fall asleep easily.
Remember that improving your sleeping conditions can enhance your sleep quality. Sleeping on a comfortable mattress and using a good quality pillow and original weighted blanket can do wonders for your sleep quality. Your sleep environment can also affect your sleep pattern. A hot bedroom temperature and background noises will determine how soon you’ll fall asleep and whether or not you’ll suddenly wake up during the night.
Be sure to use your bedroom only for resting. Eliminate electronics from your bedroom, switch off the lights, and make sure your bed is comfortable. By doing so, you’ll have a good night’s sleep and, consequently, pleasant dreams. It’s best to continue the same pre-sleep rituals to maintain the same rhythm, such as brushing your teeth, changing your clothes, or reading a book.
Types of dreams you can achieve
Preparing your body and mind before heading to bed will shape the dreams you see. It also determines how your dreams impact your sleep and your memory of these dreams.
Rapid eye movement (REM) sleep is the most crucial stage during your sleep, which is where all the dreaming happens. To improve REM stages, it’s best to improve your sleeping conditions before you go to sleep.
Here’re the common types of dreams:
- Lucid dreams – The dreamer is aware that they are dreaming.
- Nightmares – Unpleasant dreams that may hinder sleep.
- Pleasant dreams – Good dreams that support a good night’s rest.
- False Awakenings – Dreams that feel very real.
When you prepare your mind and body before going to sleep, it will help you see more pleasant dreams.
If you want to have pleasant dreams, be sure to sleep at the same time every night, maintain a healthy diet and fitness level, and decrease your caffeine consumption. Being physically and mentally prepared to go to bed and improving your sleeping conditions can also lead to positive dreams.
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