Dolphin Antidetect Browser

Dolphin Antidetect Browser

Dolphin Anty is an elite option for masking browser footprints, and it is among the top best anti-detection browsers. It was created with an emphasis on traffic arbitrage, but its capabilities go beyond solving just this problem. Dolphin Anty is an excellent option if you need a multi-account for advertising activities, increasing the efficiency of e-commerce, making cryptocurrency transactions, and performing other tasks.

How Dolphin Anty Helps Achieve Success in Multi-Accounting

One of the main goals of an antidetect browser is to confuse platforms and social media that block multiple accounts. For this purpose, Dolphin Anty separates internal files for each account, such as:

  • Cache
  • Cookies
  • History, etc.

Therefore, Internet platforms cannot see that one user creates several accounts on one device. They perceive them as belonging to different people and operating from different real devices.

Benefits of Dolphin Anty for Traffic Arbitration

Dolphin antidetect browser offers an automation service, which allows you to easily distribute advertising on Facebook and TikTok. Moreover, you can manage hundreds of different accounts in a matter of seconds. This ability feature greatly facilitates the work of marketers, advertisers, arbitrators, etc.

The browser is compatible with any popular operating system, including Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. It is possible to integrate Dolphin Anty into your working digital environment using API.

Dolphin Anty Sphere of Efficiency

Dolphin Anty is effective for managing multiple accounts, which helps scale your profits:

  • Participation in token sales;
  • Traffic arbitrage on Google, Tik Tok, Facebook, etc;.
  • Social media accounts pharming;
  • Gambling and betting;
  • E-commerce on leading marketplaces;
  • Cryptocurrency exchange trading;
  • Automated interface testing.


If you are striving to make money online, Dolphin Anty can help you increase your efficiency and profit significantly. Reliable masking of browser footprints allows you to manage multiple accounts confidently without fear of blocking. Additionally, automation capabilities reduce the time needed for routine tasks to a minimum. Thus, Dolphin Anty is your reliable assistance when working online.

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