People who follow a high-carb diet derive 60% of their daily calorie requirement from the same. When continued for a long span of time, this may usher in a bevy of side-effects as described below:
· Weight Issues – When we consume moderate amount of carbohydrate, the energy requirements of our bodyget satiated and excess is stored as glycogen. These stores of glycogen are limited paving the path for fat conversion from the excess glucose. Diets rich in refined carbohydrates can pave the way for progressive weight gain when compared to diets having lower levels of carbohydrates. When we consume, food containing carbohydrate having higher glycemic index, we secrete higher quantum of insulin. This can eventually lead to insulin resistance causing the accumulation of fat in our fat cells. Such background statistics stands as the basic reason behind a large number of people suffering from obesity.
· Metabolic Syndrome –This can arise out of diets having proportionately high quantity of carbohydrate intake when compared to healthy fats and protein. Such an altered state of metabolism involves prolonged insulin resistance and paves the way for inflammation, clotting tendency, blood sugar and high levels of blood fat. This also damages pancreas which has a pivotal role to play in regulating insulin secretion.
· Diabetes –Carbohydrates rich in glycemic index are associated with high proportion of HbA1c molecule which can develop Type 2 diabetes. Compared to muscle, fat cells have lesser number of insulin receptors. Excess consumption of carbohydrates can cause our blood glucose to increase. In such a scenario, our pancreas produces and releases insulin in greater amountfor coping with the increased level of blood glucose.
· Fluctuating Energy Levels – Change in the level of blood glucose can have a direct effect on your energy level. Thus, you might feel a massive jolt of adrenaline gushing through your veins at one instant and experience the same crashing shortly after. In such a scenario, it becomes very cumbersome for our body to function properly throughout the day.
· Fatty Liver Disease –Fat accumulation can take place in our liver cells fromexcess consumption of refined carbohydrates. This can lead to overproduction of the low-density lipoprotein, triglycerides and blood glucose which can prove to be detrimental for our anatomy. Our risk of succumbing to stroke and cardiovascular disease also increases simultaneously with hiked up carbohydrate consumption.
· Cancer – A study conducted recently revealed that people suffering from last-stage of colon cancer stand at heightened risk of experiencing a recurrence on continuing with a carbohydrate diet rich in glycemic content. Scientists are not very clear about the background mechanism but they feel that the sugar producing carbs might actually fuel the growth of carcinogenic cells in our body. Stomach and breast cancer are also associated with high carb diets.
· Mild Cognitive Impairment – Older people consuming carbohydrate-rich food might end up developing mild cognitive impairment which can affect their judgment and thinking power. If left untreated, this might cause further problems such as Alzheimer’s disease in due course.
A diet focusing just on high carbs might not be your health’s best friend. If you are seeking out weight loss,it’s advisable not to take any drastic steps. Health aficionados of modern times are increasingly opting for a keto diet by supplementing the cooking oil with mct oil available at
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