Hi all ,
It was a wonderful and healthy experience visiting the students of NIT Durgapur. The very feel of enthusiasm of students is itself a raging encouragement to direct them into a way where the best of their potentials can be brought out. As many of the passed-outs, I too crave to visit my alumni (NIT Jaipur) as well as interacting with students. It just gives that missing life and brings back all that we once had and enjoyed and where the heart stayed and never wanted to come out !
The campus is cool and green, thanks for a beautiful weather, it was shady and comfortable, I directly went to the ‘class room’ where the students are already waiting. Large gathering already. The very buzz interested me to meet and talk lots !
I am not sure how much effective my interaction was, but I made sure I am enjoying all through. And after around five hours of grueling talk and some trails with the demonstrations (though not continuous, don’t worry !! :P) I am very much happy that I was there !
Mostly driven by passion to guide (and partly to satisfy the passion for teaching since it seems it is almost impossible to be in that field as of now) and steer them instead of just giving free advises, I made sure that I am not talking just out of my own experience but to make sure to show them through me what is out there waiting for.
Thank to all those guys and girls whose patience is really an unexpected gift ! I hope to meet you all again and also to meet as many more students as possible.
The another interesting part is to just rewind myself to the trivial point that, everything, every arrangement and stuff has to be totally done by students themselves in a college for any event or program. After coming in to job, this triviality is lost in special arrangments, IT service desks etc. Great to see the students life with all round potential.
Thanks to all those students who tried hard to make sure things go well all through the day.
Here i am adding the problem statement that I gave during the presentation for easy access. Please put up your discussions/comments to me here or mail me.
Please DO NOT hesitate to communicate or contact me. I should be approachable to each and everyone of you. I am no lecturer.
1. Build a multicast enabled peer-to-peer intra-institutional video conferencing application using Flash Media Server 4.0 as the backend server and a client application based on Flash.
- Flash Media Server 4 to be used in multicasting mode : RTMFP is the protocol.
- Flash Builder to be used to build the client applications and AS3 is the scripting language.
- Two-way video conferencing should be enabled.
- Text chat, mute/unmute, video recording are also to be included as ‘expected features’
- QOS and other statistics to be obtained.
- Desktop and Screen sharing are the ‘extra features’ that are good to have.
2. Build a OSMF based video player that can do the following :
- Multi bit-rate streaming of videos
- Video playback of live events
- Overlay of video content like text, graphics, score cards, photos etc.
- Dynamic playlist creation on the client side.
- RTMP/RTMPE/RTMPTE fall back mechanism
- SWF verification to be enabled
- QOS and logging to be enabled
- Full screen mode, Digital video recording to be present.
- Embed URL to be provided for faster accessibility
Helpful resources :
OSMF Player : http://osmf.org/
Flash Media Server : http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashmediaserver/
Hoping to see some good discussion going on.
All the very best !!!!
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