To sell your goods effortlessly on Amazon, you need to have a firm grasp on keyword research. A buyer usually does not have a specific brand in mind when he logs on to Amazon to buy something. At best he would search for a word or a phrase, and those words should figure in your product description so that you can draw his attention to the search results. There are several tools available which can help you get real-time data on the most effective keywords to use in your product description. You must know what to look for while selecting such a tool for your business.
Bestseller Ranks
There are certain categories of products and certain types of products within those categories which sell the most on Amazon. Your tool must be able to give you those data points.
Competitor Activity
You should be able to use your tool to get accurate and updated information about all promotional and pricing activities of your activities so that you can tweak your product offering accordingly.
Right Price
Information is always valuable, but as a business owner who’s trying to make every penny count, you should also make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck when you go for a particular tool.
Keyword Search
This is the core function of the tool you are proposing to use, so you must have a good idea about how effectively the tool searches for and provides you the most effective keywords. The correct keyword search would help you position your product correctly to get a maximum number of leads and buyers.
Historical Data
The past is often a great indicator of the future, so it is crucial for you not only to know what’s happening now but also how customers have behaved in the past. A good tool would give you good reference points from the past.
Estimates of Revenue
A good tool should also be able to provide a dependable estimate of how much revenue can be expected at a particular price point. This should take into account historical customer behavior at specific price points and also how competitors are pricing their products at present.
Proper Segmentation
Your tool should be able to compartmentalize various products into useful categories and allow the use of filters to pinpoint certain categories and types.
Data Science
All the searches that have been done for your product or its product category must be analyzed well by price points, best sellers’ ranks and complete information about sellers.
These are eight things that a tool must have if you propose to use it for product and keyword research. You can read user reviews to find out the actual pros and cons of each tool before deciding to go for one. Once you have finalized your choice, you can use it to help you sell all your products well on Amazon!
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