If you have an idea and an invention, how can you implement it from a concept model?
In different stages of product development, you will need different prototypes depending on the purpose of use. In the process of a single project, the development team usually uses multiple types of prototypes. In the early days, the conceptual model was indispensable because it was an important step in making your invention a reality.
Type of prototype
Visual Presentation Prototype: A method of thinking about problems by organizing models around real-world ideas. The visual model is more about showing the physical design, which is the same physical aspect of the final product. It doesn’t require too many features and appearance requirements, it’s also a good way to get a good demo and preliminary review design.
Proof of Concept Prototype: Proof of concept is often considered a prototype of a landmark implementation. POC is a short, incomplete implementation of certain ideas that contain some, but not all, of the features that the final product should have. These features have enough content to indicate that the idea will work. . To prove the feasibility of the design concept and demonstrate its principle, the purpose is to verify some concepts or theories.
Working prototype: The working prototype is to be put into practical use, and it is necessary to show all the functions that the final product has. However, the design can be changed and the design can be adjusted as needed before being put into standard production.
Functional Prototype: The functional prototype is the version of the prototype that you have researched, the conceptual prototype, and the working prototype. It is the version closest to the final product. The prototype should include all the features and functionality of the final iteration plan that is feasible for the prototype to run. There may be a slight change in functionality compared to the final product. Such as material selection, manufacturing tolerance requirements, and assembly using different equipment, these are adjustable.
How to get a concept prototype?
The prototype is that you verify the feasibility and observability of your invention, and it puts all your ideas into practice in the early brainstorm. Of course, don’t apply for a patent before prototyping, because you will find that you won’t necessarily succeed in the prototyping process. You will find defects in the design or think of better ideas, and even miss the patent of the new design. So the concept prototype is very important.
There are many ways to get prototypes, CNC, SLA, SLS, and small batches can also consider complex mode. If you are not familiar with the process, then you can consider choosing a team to work with you. Professional prototyping developers, engineers or designers can also consider asking for help from other people, such as handymen, mechanics or local industrial design college students. If your design is relatively simple, then the student or mechanic will meet your needs. If the complexity of the combined product and the customization of the materials are difficult to process, then you should give priority to the professional team.
This team can be either a manufacturer or a service provider. If you don’t know how to find a professional team, then you can consider Wayken. With more than 20 years of experience, Wayken has a team of professional engineers and mechanics, strict quality control and attention to detail, while providing customers with the same rapid simulation prototypes as the final product, supporting one-stop surface operation For the convenience of customers. In just a few minutes, you can find the expertise you are looking for.
What are the advantages of concept prototypes?
Accelerate project progress: You can get a concept model in 2-5 days, start testing new designs, and keep your project fast enough.
Find defect detection in advance: The concept prototype allows you to perform pre-testing on the final product. If you find a problem with the design, you can change it in time to avoid wasting time on the design with existing defects. What doesn’t work is hard to accept. This is especially true when you put a lot of time and effort into prototyping. However, working on something often may be impractical. In fact, it can sometimes even be detrimental to the success of the project.
Optimize total cost: Early in the project, you can help you find problems faster, rather than waiting until the entire project is complete. They can also be repaired before investing in large-volume standard production runs, with small changes in simple products that can save even more money.
Improved end product: If your product has an assembly relationship, focus on each component during the prototype phase. This can help avoid any undetected failures that may occur in the final product and cause more serious problems.
Reduce time to market: If your product is being released to the market before the next holiday, the prototype can shorten the cycle of the entire project, eliminating the need for excessive testing to redesign cycles. This reduces development time and costs.
How to apply for a patent for my invention?
Not every invention requires a patent. However, if you plan to license your invention to a manufacturer (or direct sales),you must have a patent. Products are generally considered to be common unless you obtain a patent certificate. So the first step in a patent application is to determine if your invention is eligible for a patent. Product patents are mainly divided into two types, one is the design profession, that is, the decorative design with high requirements for appearance and non-obviousness. The other is a utility patent for industrial use.
But the safest way to submit a patent application is to have a professional patent person review it. Maybe you think that writing your thoughts and mailing a sealed envelope to a patent office can prove the concept of your invention. This is unreliable and cannot be used as evidence in court. Patent examiners can not only better protect your patents but also give legal help to avoid any legal problems.
The following tips in the process of applying for a patent may give you some help: record the progress of your prototype in the process of inventing. These are all useful and convincing materials for investors. It can save time and money; to confirm the authority of patent experts, whether to register with the Patent and Trademark Office; you can choose a small patent company considering the total cost of the project, and the service fee is relatively cheap while maintaining close cooperation.
Simply having an “idea” is worthless – you need to prove when you came up with the idea of ??invention. Write down everything you can think of about your invention, from what it is and how it works to how to make and market it. Regardless of the outcome, dare to try.
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