Most of the medicines and pesticides to get rid of harmful critters like codling moths, winter moth, gall mites, whitefly, bees etc. are harmful and poisonous to us as well. Usually, organic food farmers pick each insect and pest by hand. Although this is a tried and tested method it takes a lot of effort and time. Using this method in your kitchen garden will just cause inconvenience and make the pests come back again. In this article, we are going to explain a few home remedies which will not only kill the pests but will also prevent them from infesting your garden.
All this insecticide requires is some vegetable oil and some liquid soap. The proportion of both the items should be 1 to 1/16. If you are taking 1 cup vegetable oil then you will need approximately 1 tablespoon of mild soap. Mix them both together. For spraying, take a spray bottle add 1 quart of water and then add two tablespoons of oil soap mixture. Spray this on the plants. For most of the pests, it is devastating as the oil covers their body leaving no space for breathing.
Soap based:
This is the most basic homemade insecticide. All you need is soap and water. A mild soap like castile soap is advised since it works the best and does not affect the health of your plants. For making this insecticide add 1.5 teaspoons of soap with 1 quart of water. Mix rigorous liquid in a spray bottle and spray it on the crop or plant to get rid of bee nests. Its functions similar to that of oil-based insecticide. Experts say spraying soap based insecticide on a very sunny time of the day like noon and afternoon can be dangerous for plants which is why you should spray this either in the morning or in the evening.
Neem oil:
Neem oil is easily available in the market. It has a dark greenish appearance and is extracted from neem tree seeds. This tree is also called nim tree or Indian lilac. Neem oil can be a treasure for all the organic farmers out there since it has the ability to disrupt the hormones of the insects. All stages of insects whether adults or larvae can be eliminated using insecticide made with this oil. To make the insecticide mix two teaspoons of neem oil with one teaspoon of soap and add it to 1 quart of water. You can spray it anytime on the affected plants and can also use it as a preventive measure. It has no side effects.
Using commercial level insecticides and pesticides can have a great effect on the pests and insects but it is also extremely dangerous for humans. These homemade remedies are ideal for organic farming and are also very easy to prepare. The best part is that unlike pesticides and insecticides they work on almost all of the insects. They also help in getting rid of bee nests and also in preventing them from coming back again. One should regularly opt for pest check up programs and consider recruiting nationwide pest inspection companies who uses the latest methods and gives utmost importance to the safety of the people during the process.
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