7 Key Construction Industry Trends in Civil Engineering to Watch in 2020

7 Key Construction Industry Trends in Civil Engineering to Watch in 2020

Civil engineering is predicted to undergo several changes as we usher in a new decade. There has been a paradigm shift in the last couple of years and the improvements can only get better with the advancements in technology.

Here are some of the trends in civil engineering you should know about as we enter 2020.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

The two terms are usually used interchangeably, although they mean different things. Even though the technology is fairly new, it has the potential to be applied in several areas in civil engineering. They are both interactive and immersive media and you can view objects and dimensions in 3D. VR has made it possible for a new experience in the civil engineering world. This is something that was not possible a decade or two ago. Both designers and stakeholders can benefit from the technology that VR and AR have to offer. Augmented reality provides a medium for real-life interactions, which improves safety when it comes to the design of structures. The technology is getting refined every year and it is only a matter of type before it becomes fully accessible to the public.


Building Information Modeling

Building Information Modeling has been in use in civil engineering for a couple of years now. The only challenge is that it is yet to be used in large-scale applications. With the improvements in BIM, engineers can easily create interactive roads for models or buildings. Things like RCM Road Condition Monitoring Device can be simulated to mimic a real-life environment thanks to the help of BIM. The technology can be used in the construction of bridges, electricity networks, roads, and buildings.

The Rise of Sustainable Design

This is the most important trend that people should be looking out for. There has been a call for sustainable design because of the pressures of global warming.  Governments have started introducing huge incentives for construction companies that are at the forefront of sustainable design. Engineers are constantly being challenged to come up with better designs and products that reduce the carbon footprint. One of the key areas of focus is on sustainable housing. Integrating PV panels that are environmentally friendly and reduce energy costs has been a major focus on most construction projects. Engineers are also paying attention to the smart use of space given the increase in the global population over the last 50 years.

Advanced Building Materials

We live in challenging materials. The cost of materials has been going up in the last couple of years due to depleting natural resources. There are advanced building materials like cement composite, self-healing concrete, and advanced steel that are transforming the construction industry.

Internet of Things

The Internet of Things is also applicable in the civil engineering space. Anything that has a sensor can be connected to the internet. You’ve seen bridge terminals that open at a particular time. The Internet of Things allows for better access and control which is something that has been lacking in the construction industry for ages. With the advancements in technology, the Internet of Things will become applicable in almost every part of the construction process.

3D Printing

3D printing has been around for a while but only went mainstream with the turn of the new millennium. The year 2017 was like a renaissance for 3D printing. It has become accessible to consumers and it is easy to get for as little as $100. 3D printing can help with complex engineering challenges. Scientists are even thinking about using 3D technology to colonize new territories. They can be used to build structures faster and at an unimaginable scale with little human supervision.

Use of Robots

There are some mundane and repetitive tasks that you will find in civil engineering. Such tasks usually take a lot of time and will involve manpower capitals. Countries like China are already using robots for such tasks. Robots can also be used for dangerous tasks that you’re likely to encounter in the mining industry.

There are other trends that we might not have mentioned but will also have an impact on civil engineering. For a person that is looking to have a competitive edge, it is important to be aware of the trends. Technology can become obsolete really fast. Getting future-ready requires that you’re working with the right partners. Even if you’re outsourcing the engineering work, you still have a say on the direction of the project. The company that you’re working with should be abreast with the changes and trends in the industry.