When going through a divorce it is totally understandable to want the process to be over as quickly and as effortlessly as possible. With this in mind, it can be tempting to hire the first lawyer that comes to mind.
However, it is no secret that choosing the wrong lawyer for your divorce can have devastating consequences for your relationships and finances. So, before you make any hiring decisions, let us discover 3 common mistakes to avoid when hiring a divorce lawyer and pinpoint what you can do to avoid them.
Hiring the Wrong Type of Lawyer
Finding the right lawyer for your divorce can be an overwhelming process. There are so many different branches of law and types of lawyers specializing in specific legal fields that it can be difficult to know where to start. It might seem intuitive, but in order to ensure that you receive the best legal representation and guidance possible, you must hire a lawyer that specializes in the kind of law you will be dealing with. For example, if your case is likely to involve custody laws, you need to hire a divorce attorney that knows how to handle disputes involving children.
Furthermore, if you suspect that your divorce will be uncontested, you might want to consider hiring an uncontested divorce lawyer to keep your split as peaceful and as amicable as possible. Above all, taking time to research your options can put you in the best possible position. Be sure to consult with a few lawyers and ask how they would handle your divorce if you were to hire them to represent your interests. From there, you can compare these answers to find a chicago divorce lawyer that you can see yourself working with for the long haul. Divorces can take months or even years to finalize and therefore you need to hire someone that you feel comfortable working with.
Making Rash Decisions
It is an unfortunate fact that divorces often take place when both parties are extremely upset and distracted. Correspondingly, when communicating with your divorce lawyer it is important to try and have a clear head when going over any necessary paperwork. Family law is naturally complex because so many emotions come into play. For instance, property matters can put a strain on your finances and child custody matters can also be tough to handle. Alimony is not guaranteed nowadays, and child support might not provide a sufficient lifestyle for you and your children should you go through with your divorce.
Divorce is always going to involve a mixture of positive and negative emotions. Although moving on with your life can seem incredibly freeing when things are going well, these feelings are often countered by sensations of sadness and regret that the relationship has come to an end. Try to avoid the temptation to blame your lawyer for any of these feelings. It is not uncommon for divorcing spouses to make rash decisions such as reactionary firings. Hiring a new lawyer in the middle of divorce proceedings can seriously compromise your case.
Focusing Too Much on Cost
When asking around for recommendations for lawyers it can be all too easy to assume that your divorce will cost the same amount to resolve. In fact, most family lawyers have hourly rates and retainers, and are willing to produce a payment plan that works for your budget. When choosing a lawyer, you must therefore try not to base your decision on price alone, and instead make your choice by considering the legal strategies and methods that they can use to get the most favourable outcome for your case.
Your case might only take minutes to figure out, but regardless of the complexity of your situation, you need to hire a lawyer that can dedicate enough time to help you to reach your objectives. Cheaper lawyers sometimes take on a higher caseload to make up for lower fees and so if you hire a lawyer that is too busy to devote their efforts towards your case, this could have an impact on the length of time it takes to process your divorce. Moreover, the best divorce lawyer for your case should have enough time in their schedule to provide you with their undivided attention so that they can achieve your legal objectives efficiently.
Ultimately, at first, hiring a divorce lawyer can seem like a difficult process. Nonetheless, by avoiding common pitfalls, you can ensure that your divorce is completed with the best interests of you and your family in mind.
Going through a divorce typically involves dividing your assets. Consequently, if you share a property with your soon to be ex, things can become complex. For more information, check out this guide to selling your home during a divorce.
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