Everyone makes mistakes and when it comes to writing, people make mistakes as well. However, there are those we call common essay mistakes which almost every student makes. Well, every student needs to know about these mistakes and work hard to ensure that they avoid them. Regardless of how good you might be, these mistakes reduce your essay to a normal or a mediocre level. But, if you wish to overcome these, experts from https://perfectessay.com/ ask you to continue reading and to take immediate action once you are through.
Repeating the prompt in your essay
Repeating the prompt in your essay can seem like a good idea. But, it is not and you need to avoid this habit. When you repeat the prompt, you send a message to your instructor and one which does not work in your interest. The message you send is, I cannot think beyond this point and I have important things to do than sit here and write this article. Instructors or professors are keen individuals and when they see such an issue in your paper, their interest wanes. You might be a good essay writer but this mistake can be a huge setback for you. Thus, develop your thoughts and ideas well to avoid making this mistake.
Trying to sound like an academic
When you write an essay and fail to be yourself or adopt a different sound, you are making a mistake. Professors or instructors expect you to be yourself and to write essays that resonate with your life. One mistake that is common in bad college essays is one where students adopt different personalities. Being yourself earns you a mark of originality and you need to practice this habit. As you write, talk about your experiences and your life as well. This will gift you an easier time and you will not struggle to develop your ideas. Thus, always be yourself and avoid the burden of thinking beyond the normal to write your essay.
Using clichés
One common mistake that will lead to you getting a lower grade is the use of clichés. There are essays which are clichés and we are asking you to avoid them. For example, you should avoid writing essays on studying abroad because thousands if not millions of students write about it every year. A big percentage of students believe that this kind of essay will earn them higher marks. But, what they fail to understand is that instructors are already aware of this title and would discourage them against it. There are no rules against such a topic but you need to work a lot harder to impress your instructors. So, think beyond the ordinary and write an exemplary piece.
Inconsistency is another mistake you should try to avoid when writing college essays. When you conceive an idea, brainstorm on the idea and develop arguments and points which can help you write a consistent essay. Inconsistency means writing an essay which does not communicate a single idea or thought. Such an essay contains several ideas which are not communicating the same message. So, when one reads it, they do not get the main idea or the supporting arguments as well. If you are such a writer, you need to organize your thoughts and write them down. Afterward, decide on a single idea and develop supporting arguments which will help you write a coherent essay. Inconsistency will earn you fewer marks and a grade which will not mirror your writing prowess.
There are many college essay mistakes that students make. But writing an impersonal essay confuses your instructor or professor. When you write, remember that your essay needs to stand out and have features which distinguish it from the rest. The values of your essay must also be distinct and tell a story which resonates with who you are. Often students will complain that they do not have a story to tell or have not had an experience which meets the requirements. However, experts from Perfect Essay insist that it is not about the story or the experience you have had but it is how you decide to tell the story. Your choice of words or the way you decide to tell a story matters a lot.
Mentioning a different university’s name
You may not have come across this elsewhere but mentioning a different university’s name is one of the common mistakes that students make. However, this mistake is common among those who try to reuse their essays when applying for slots at different schools. Well, this may not seem like a normal essay mistake but to the university, you are applying to, it is a turn-off and reduces your chances of getting accepted. If you, for example, wish to join Princeton and mention Harvard in your essay, your chances of getting a slot at Princeton reduce. Universities interpret your mentioning of a rival as your lack of commitment or loyalty to them. Thus, avoid this mistake and you might secure a slot for yourself.
Not Proofreading
When you research the writing process, you will find several websites which insist on the importance of proofreading. Many consider it another step or stage of the writing process. Proofreading is an essential step in writing. It is an opportunity to correct any mistakes you have made as well as make your arguments and points articulate enough. For your essay to make it to the category of badly written essays, you must have skipped this step. Proofreading helps you remove grammatical, punctuation, semantics, etc. errors from your essay. You can avoid making a mistake like mentioning a different university’s name if you proofread your work. Thus, ensure that you proofread your work at all times.
Writing too broadly
Writing too broadly means that you write an essay with no central idea or no message that you are trying to communicate. For example, when asked to write about the Niagara Falls, you need to find something specific about the site and talk about it. You should not approach the topic with no single idea in mind. For example, you can focus on how the site is a tourist attraction and how people come from all over the world to enjoy the view. The above is quite specific and seem to be focusing on a specific detail about the site. However, some students take their time to write about a topic like employment. Well, this topic is broad and many never consider narrowing it down to something specific. Try and avoid this mistake and always make your essays specific and focused on a single point.
In conclusion, you need to try to avoid mistakes as you write your essay. The ones listed above are quite common and, in your quest, to become a better writer, you need to avoid them. Earn all your marks and gift your professor an easier time with your paper.
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