Combating the Stressors of Life in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Combating the Stressors of Life in the Comfort of Your Own Home

Life isn’t easy or fair…we’ve all experienced a little bit of that in our lifetime. The key is to not let that consume you or defeat you.

So what is stress exactly? Well stress is your body’s reaction to a certain situation or change in your life. When stress arises, we all react differently. For some people, it unleashes a surge in energy and puts their energy into overdrive. While others let stress consume them and that is where they go wrong.

Stress is a contributing factor in anxiety and depression, as well as weight gain. It also leads to high blood pressure, and high blood pressure leaves you with headaches.

The next time life gets in the way of things, just know you’re not alone in the fight. Here are some life hacks you can do to combat stress all while being in the comfort of your own home.


exercise machines

Whether you realize it or not, exercise is an amazing stress reliever, even if you don’t like to do it. When you exercise and get that heart rate up, your body releases endorphins, and when those endorphins are released, your body is automatically reducing stress.



Set aside 10-15 minutes per day to meditate. Go to a quiet place in your home, close your eyes and focus on one thing while taking deep breaths in and out. The key to meditation is focus. Focus on anything in your mind with no distractions.



Music has been known to boost moods and relieve stress. Tempo is a major part. Music with slow tempos are ideal for relieving stress. It slows your breathing and puts you in a calmer state of mind.

Some people enjoy listening to ocean sounds or rain. While others enjoy the calming sounds of cool jazz or the soft strumming of a guitar. The type of music you listen to is your choice, just make sure its soothing.



Rest is so important. Having a good quality mattress, as well as bedding that is luxurious  is the first step to resting well. Where you sleep and how you sleep is important in relieving stress and aiding in overall health.

Stress, in combination with not getting enough rest, is a recipe for disaster. Sleep deprivation can impact your decision-making skills, memory, and mood.

Those reasons alone is why it’s recommended to not drive if you’re sleepy. Sleepy driving is just as bad as drunk driving.

According to the National Highway Safety Administration, a lot of high profile accidents can be linked to people who have been sleep deprived. When your stress levels are high, you have to pay attention to your body and get yourself some rest.

Don’t Worry, Be Happy


I’ve noticed that older people seem to be some of the happiest, stress-free and worry-free people I’ve ever met. So I just had to ask, what their secret was. Their response was that they don’t worry about things that are out of their control. From family and friends to work life and health.

It’s something that comes with time, I was told. Younger people tend to worry far too much on what people think and say about them, and the older you get, the less of an impact those type of things have on you.

It may be easier said than done, but your peace of mind is absolutely worth giving it the old college try. Whether you try to up your bedding game or focus on meditation, your overall health is absolutely worth it…because if you don’t have your health, what do you really have?