Your parents’ wedding anniversary is no ordinary event but you already know that. It is not only a yet another milestone in their relationship, although it certainly contributes to why the anniversary is so important to celebrate. Every year your parents have spent together is a statement of how much hard work and dedication they have poured into raising you to become who you are today.
You probably know about the tradition of associating every wedding anniversary with gifts made out of specific materials. For example, a 25th anniversary is a silver one so the gift for it should be made out of silver and so on. You could check out the whole list and maybe that would give you the right dose of inspiration. But let’s try and go beyond the expectations and cheat sheets. Your parents deserve the best so it would be fitting for you to put a bit more effort into figuring out what would be the best gift to commemorate their dedication to each other and the family they have built.
So here are some pointers on how to choose a gift for your parents’ anniversary. This should be your starting point before browsing through lists of wedding anniversary presents you can find on the web. I hope that it will steer you into the right mindset that will allow you to choose wisely and make the anniversary truly memorable for all of you.
Establish your budget
This would normally go without saying and yet it is still worth repeating – know how much you can spend on the present. The reason for that is that the longer your parents have been together the more “valuable” their wedding anniversary gift should get, at least according to the aforementioned tradition. You know, because “more the stability the greater should be the reward”. But not everyone can afford to get that “greater reward” especially in the form of diamonds, rubies, or pearls. So keep your numbers straight, draw a realistic budget, and involve your siblings for a joint gift if necessary.
Get into their shoes
More often than not, people choose gifts that they would want for themselves completely forgetting about the preferences of the receiver of the gift. Just think about your parents’ interests and their stance on various matters. Does your dad always complain about unnecessary trinkets he gets for his birthday? Does your mom love sentimental gifts or prefers getting practical gifts she wouldn’t otherwise get for herself? Are they borderline cheesy with their affections or do they prefer to keep it on the low? List out all the little details you know about your parents even the most insignificant ones. Trust me, it will help you on your quest for the perfect present.
The perfect throwback
It is no secret that the more time we spend on Earth the more boring or monotonous life might seem to become. There are fewer milestones to witness and the fondest memories seem to stay farther and farther behind. So why not use your parents’ anniversary to reignite those memories and bring them back to life with a twist?
Maybe you could recreate their first date to the smallest detail, provided that you know all those details. Or get them a vintage movie poster of the same movie they have seen together for the first time. Since a lot of iconic artists and bands are touring again, get them tickets to a concert they have been to when they were young. You get the gist.
Nostalgia is a powerful tool and it should not be overlooked when you are struggling to find a meaningful gift.
Use your assets
No matter how many gifts your parents have received in their lifetime, the most important and valuable one will always be their child, you. It might sound cringy but it’s true. So why not create something for them with your own hands to show your appreciation for their love and support?
This is, of course, completely optional and nobody forces you to get creative if there’s not a single creative bone in your body. But if you are good at something, whether because of your hobbies or job, it is definitely worth exploring.
For example, you might be good at editing videos or photos which means you could create a video tribute or collage for your parents. Maybe you are a musician and you could write an original song or piece of music for them. If you are a programmer then create an interactive website or game for them filled with photos, videos, quotes, and jokes they will instantly recognize.
This is a low budget solution but it certainly requires tons of effort. But if you decide to take this route, then be sure that it will definitely pay off.
Choosing an original and exciting gift for anyone can be a tough task. More so when you’re trying to find one for your parents that have to suit both their preferences and personalities. But I hope that these tips have somewhat clarified how to choose a gift for your parents’ anniversary. You can always take the traditional route and get them, say, matching coffee mugs for their porcelain anniversary. Or you can take out your yellow legal pad, start brainstorming, and soon enough you’ll have a perfect and unique gift in mind. Good luck.
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