Dealing with a child custody case can be one of the most frightening situations’ a parent can deal with, mostly because there is no sure way to know how the judge will decide. Even if you believe you have a strong case, the other parent may win custody of your children. This possibility can lead some parents to hire a private investigator for their child custody case by contacting Toronto investigation hotline. However, prior to taking this step, it is imperative to understand what kind of investigation a child custody investigator does.
Deciding if You Have Good Reason
You are likely wasting your time and money if you are hoping that an investigation of this kind with turn up evidence against your former partner. In the majority of cases, a parent who appears to be reliable and responsible generally is not hiding anything sinister. You can hire an investigator to search the individual’s background, activities, and associations, but only rarely does that turn up something new.
Then again, perhaps you have a strong suspicion something is wrong. Maybe you are unsure of your ex-partner’s new love interest, or your child/children seem concerned about spending any time with the other parent. Paying an investigator in cases where you have suspicions such as those, to either disprove or verify them may be a great move. In the end, however, it is up to you to decide if there is a good reason to hire a private investigator and contact Toronto investigations hotline for more information.
Collecting Evidence
Determining how the other parent spends time with the child is one of the most common reasons to hire a private child custody investigator. You may have a concern that your ex-partner is hiring a babysitter watch after your child during her or his visitations. In cases such as this, it may indicate s lack of commitment, even the parent is actually pursuing custody of the child. Off and on, the other parent may be experiencing a problem with substance abuse, or perhaps they are endangering the child in a different way. A private investigator can discover these situations and collect evidence of these actions.
Performing Background Checks
One of the many services that private investigators conduct in a child custody case is performing thorough background checks. A private detective can play a crucial role in conducting thorough background checks during a child custody case. With their expertise in investigative techniques and access to various databases, they can uncover essential information about a parent’s lifestyle, behavior, financial stability, and any potential risks or concerns that could impact the well-being of the child. Their findings can provide valuable evidence to the court, helping to ensure that the child’s best interests are safeguarded and aiding in making informed decisions about custody arrangements.
Although the background check can include the other parent, more often then not it involves checking into the backgrounds of individuals associating with that parent. These individuals are often ones that will be around the child, so it is vital to ensure they are reputable individuals. While performing a background check for child custody, the things that are checked into include:
- Criminal History
- Insolvency Issues
- Work History
- Social Contacts
Background checks can be utilized to find fault with a parent and to support a parent’s position. The investigator will collect the information; however, it is up to you and/or your attorney to determine how to utilize the information. Online resources can be utilized to perform searches; however, in some cases, the private investigator may also contact business and government offices directly. The best way in some cases to find out essential information is a phone call.
Interviewing Adults in the Child’s Life
Another one of the services that a private investigator in a child custody case may provide is interviewing other adults that are present in the child or children’s life. You may hire an investigator for this purpose, or some attorneys hire private investigators to assist them in these types of interviews. These kinds of interviews can assist in creating a broader picture of the life of the child, in addition to assisting in uncovering how exactly the child feels about each patent.
During a child custody case, the judge’s primary goal is to act in the best interest of the child. The judge will also try to keep both parents involved in the life of the child as much as possible, but the upbringing of the child is the superseding concern. This is what make’s the personal feelings of the child important. The judge may ask the child how she or he feel about both of the parents. In these situations, the child can feel pressured. However, it may be possible to discover more honest feelings by interviewing other adults in a child’s life. Some of those who may be interviewed include:
- Counselors
- Teachers
- Parents of the child’s friends
- Neighbors
- Friends of the parents
To learn more about child custody private investigation, contact Toronto Investigations Hotline today!
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