Charging Ahead: Why EV Charger Electrician Specialist Are So Important

Charging Ahead: Why EV Charger Electrician Specialist Are So Important

The electric vehicle (EV) revolution is in full swing. As more drivers make the switch to emissions-free cars, demand for convenient charging stations is skyrocketing. Installation of EV chargers at homes, businesses and public spaces requires specialized expertise, which is where EV charger electrician specialist like EastherElectrical come in. These specialty tradesmen are filling a crucial role in the EV infrastructure boom.

What Does an EV Charger Electrician Do?

An EV charger electrician specializes in the installation and maintenance of electric vehicle charging equipment. Their responsibilities include:

  • Assessing potential charging station locations and determining required electrical capacity and materials.
  • Advising clients on the types of EV chargers available (Level 1, Level 2, DC fast charge) and which best fits their needs.
  • Securing any necessary permits for installing commercial or public EV supply equipment (EVSE).
  • Installing the necessary electrical components like panels, conduits, wiring and the charger itself.
  • Integrating the charger with existing electrical systems and power supply safely.
  • Configuring charging hardware and software settings.
  • Conducting inspections and testing to ensure the chargers function properly.
  • Educating clients on how to use and maintain the equipment.
  • Providing periodic maintenance checks and troubleshooting repairs if issues arise.
  • Staying up to date on the latest EV charger technologies and best practices.

Why EV Charger Expertise Matters

Installing EV chargers requires working with high voltage electrical systems. It also requires understanding the specialized technical requirements for delivering safe, reliable charging. That expertise is what separates qualified EV charger electricians from general residential electricians. Here’s why it’s so important:

Electrical Capacity Knowledge

EV chargers have large power draws. A Level 2 charger requires 240V circuits capable of 30+ amps of current. Only electricians who understand electrical load calculations can determine if a building’s system can support EVSE. They also specify the wiring and circuit breakers needed to handle the load.

Permitting Experience

Most regions require permits to install public EV chargers. EV charger electricians are familiar with local permit rules and can ensure the equipment and installation meets inspection requirements.

Equipment Expertise

With multiple charging levels, connectors and manufacturers, the right EVSE must be matched to the application. EV charger specialists recommend and source the best equipment for each situation.

Safety First

EV chargers involve high voltage, high current electrical systems. Only qualified electricians have the training to install EVSE in a way that meets National Electrical Code safety standards and reduces the risk of fire or electrocution.

Code Knowledge

Electric code has special stipulations for EV charging systems around grounding, wiring types and GFCI protection. EV charger electricians understand the code requirements to install compliant, permitted EVSE.


As more powerful chargers are introduced, electrical capacity needs will grow. EV charger electricians can assess service capacity and build in ample room for growth. This avoids costly upgrades down the road.

Certification and Training

Reputable EV charger installers invest in proper training to understand the nuances of EVSE. Organizations like the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Training Program offer courses specific to charging equipment. Certifications like EVPN, CET and NABCEP also help electricians demonstrate expertise in solar, storage and EV systems. Ongoing education ensures electricians can install the latest charging technology safely and efficiently.


As EV adoption accelerates, qualified electricians are critical to building out charging infrastructure. Their electrical know-how and EVSE expertise ensures chargers get installed correctly and safely. By making chargers easily accessible, EV charger electricians help pave the way to a clean transportation future. When you need a charging station installed right, be sure to call an electrician specialized in EV systems.

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