Cannabidiol (CBD oil) is commonly used by people with chronic pain. This may be cancer patients, people with arthritis, multiple sclerosis, even treating those with epilepsy or people that are prone to seizures. Cannabidiol can also be used for anxiety, smoking cessation, drug withdrawal, and many more that are yet to be proven effective. The real question is whether if CBD oil is effective when being used to treat chronic pain.
What exactly is CBD oil?
Cannabidiol can be found in cannabis plants, but is completely different to the notorious “Weed” due to the fact that CBD oil doesn’t leave people with a “high” sensation. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is a key ingredient that is found cannabis, this is what leaves people with a high sensation, whereas CBD oil is completely unlike THC and isn’t psychoactive. This is why CBD oil is becoming increasingly popular amongst medical professionals, it could be a real drug alternative when it comes to pain relief. CBD oil can come in many forms, (a tincture), through applying a few drops under your tongue, holding it in your mouth for a few seconds so it can be absorbed before swallowing. It can also be added in water, smoothies, made into a spray form (a simple spritz under your tongue), capsules, creams that can be applied topically and e-liquid for vape pens. Check out more information on CBD oil and its health benefits.
CBD oil and pain relief:
What makes CBD oil so special when it comes to the treatment of pain? According to experts, CBD oil has the ability to effect the receptors that are in the brain and the immune system and this can help reduce inflammation, therefore decrease the pain that the person is feeling. One of the receptors are called a CB2 receptor, this plays a vital role in the immune system by managing pain and inflammation. Experts believe that when CBD enters an individual’s body, it attaches to the CB2 receptors, this can then help make these receptors respond to the signals that are received, thus causing inflammation and pain to be decreased.
Arthritis Pain: A study that was conducted with the European Journal of Pain had proven with an animal model that after applying a topic gel that contained CBD to rats, they noted a significant drop in inflammation and any signs of pain, without additional side effects.
Multiple Sclerosis: (MS) multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that has a major impact on the whole body through the brain and nerves. One of multiple sclerosis’ most common issues are muscle spasms, this can cause continuous pain for some people. It is shown that up to 90 percent of people with MS have proven that treatments can be ineffective or have unwanted side effects. One report found that short term use of CBD oil could reduce the spasticity levels a person experience.
General chronic pain:
According to health professionals, CBD can be used to treat general chronic pain. They also found that subjects were not likely to build up a tolerance to CBD oil, this would mean dosages wouldn’t need to be altered constantly. Not only for humans but CBD oil for cats, dogs and other pets have also proven to be very beneficial.
Are there any side effects?
Small studies have shown that most people tolerate CBD pretty well, but some individuals may experience tiredness, trouble sleeping, irritability, nausea, diarrhea, changes in appetite and weight gain/weight loss.
Overall, CBD oil still needs to be studied further but has proven itself to be an effective treatment when it comes to pain management. In the future, there is hope that these common painful medical conditions will be no longer as painless or completely pain free through the further research of medical specialists.
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