Chronic back pain is one of the primary disabling health conditions among seniors. While most back pain cases in older adults are self-limiting and non-specific, seniors are prone to develop certain back pain conditions due to age-related psychological and physical changes. Unfortunately, this increases depression, decreases function, and may worsen other conditions.
Pain management in seniors (Source: Pixabay)
Luckily, more seniors are turning to CBD oil for chronic back pain management. CBD has proven to be very effective in relieving people from many modalities of pain. While common drugs like opioids have been the primary pain management option for both acute and chronic pain, cannabinoids like CBD are now being used as an alternative treatment option.
What Makes CBD Different?
Its potential as an alternative treatment for a wide range of health conditions like chronic pain, anxiety, depression management, diabetes, arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease makes it special. It’s wide-ranging nerve-stimulating, and neuroprotective properties are being researched widely. CBD’s pain-relieving properties are a great relief for seniors today.
While the actual cause of chronic back pain is not yet clear, it could be as a result of a problem with brain chemicals that help stop pain after an injury or illness. Chronic inflammation, which is common in seniors, causes body tissue damage and ache. According to Remedy Reviews, a site that offers trusted CBD reviews, CBD oil offers short-term and long-term chronic back pain relief.
What CBD Studies Say
Several CBD chronic pain studies suggest that CBD can help manage different forms of pain, including chronic back pain. Whether it’s pain resulting from spinal injuries or nervous system complications, scientists have found that the CBD use results in significant pain relief. CBD interacts with brain receptors and the immune system to help cells respond accordingly.
When used as a form of chronic back pain treatment in seniors, CBD creates both anti-inflammatory and painkilling effects, ensuring pain relief. CBD also helps combat anxiety that’s associated with chronic pain, helps with sleep, improves the overall state of relaxation, optimizes pain impulses, and slows down the degeneration of the bone and neural tissue.
How Seniors Can Use CBD for Chronic Back Pain
You’ve consulted your doctor, read countless CBD product reviews, and even talked to friends who are already using CBD to manage their chronic pain. How should you use CBD?
First, it’s essential always to use 100% natural CBD products for your chronic back pain relief. There are different ways you can use CBD to enjoy its benefits:
- Sublingual application, which involves spraying or taking drops of CBD under your tongue and keeping it there for at least 60-90 seconds. Start with a small dose and then build up slowly and gradually until you get the perfect dose for pain relief.
- Topical CBD application is another great way to use CBD. Rub the oil or creme directly on the back. Some people report that topical application relief lasts longer.
- Vaping or inhaling CBD products through devices such as air infusers and e-cigarettes.
Are CBD Products Safe for Seniors?
You might be asking yourself – what about CBD safety for seniors? Considering that the CBD industry is not yet fully regulated by the FDA, the responsibility for finding a safe CBD product lies with you, the customer. When evaluating different CBD products, make sure that it uses CBD from organic hemp and that it’s third-party lab tested to verify the CBD content.
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