You keep hearing about how divorces are messy and how the parties involved almost never see eye to eye, which makes the process even more difficult. If you are trusting TV shows, then the soon-to-be-ex couple will always end up in court, battling over this or that. Don’t even get me started on the situations in which children are involved. Let’s just say that everything gets thousand times more difficult.
That is only one thing that people say about divorces. That it is difficult. Of course, the fact that people don’t see eye to eye and that they cannot agree on anything simply means that the whole process might take a very long time. How long it will actually take depends on a few things, as you can see here.
So, what have we learned so far? Divorces are difficult and slow, right? Well, how could we forget the one most important factor that people usually complain about? I’m talking about the costs of the whole process. Those can certainly build up.
It appears that we can add one more thing to our list of those things we have learned about divorces. They are difficult, slow and expensive. It is almost as if someone is trying to talk people out of getting separated, isn’t it? I assume that this isn’t a decision you made lightly, though, so you are probably going to stick to it despite all the troubles you might go through during the process.
What if I told you, though, that things don’t have to be that slow and expensive? Sure, you might be used to thinking that partly because of the TV shows you have watched and partly because some of your acquaintances might have had bad experiences during their particular divorce, but this doesn’t mean that it has to be that way. Have you ever wondered if it were possible to get a quick and cheap divorce?
Is It Possible?
If that is something that you have wondered at some point in your life, then I suppose that you might have also done some research on the topic, especially if you and your partner were already planning on ending the relationship for quite a while. In case, however, that you haven’t done any research whatsoever on this topic, let me give you both the short and the long answer to this particular question. You will certainly need both answers in order to get things done the right way.
Is a cheap divorce ok with easy divorce papers and a pretty quick process, or is this something that cannot actually go the way you would expect it to go? Well, as promised, here’s the short answer. You can definitely get quickly and easily divorced without going through too much trouble and trouble is probably what is expected in the process. Nobody is stopping you, however, from doing the unexpected and getting things done easily. So, to put things simply, yes, getting quickly and easily divorced is very much possible.
If I remember correctly, I have also promised you a long answer to this particular answer. Don’t worry, I’m not going to bore you with all too many legal details that you probably wouldn’t like to hear about right now. Of course, it’s not like we can neglect the legal side of this whole process, but there is someone else that can talk to you about legal details and that is definitely not me. As you might have guessed it, that someone else is a mediator or simply people that will help you get an uncontested divorce without any issues. That is, if uncontested is an option in your particular case.
The first person that might have crossed your mind when I mentioned legal details was probably a lawyer, or a judge. Well, hold you horses right there. Isn’t the whole point of this to avoid court and get things done easily and quickly without involving judges and lawyers? Yes, that is the whole point and the long answer to that question that we have posed above deals with the “how” of the process.
In other words, I will help you understand how you can do things in such a simple, quick and easy way. I know that ending a relationship can never be a piece of cake, but it doesn’t have to be hostile either and it doesn’t have to drain your wallet and frustrate you to the point where you start hating the person that you have spent probably years of your life with. You can end things as civilized and friendly people. And it mustn’t cost a fortune.
Speaking of costs, this article might help you learn how to save money in this process:
So, what it is that you have to do in order to end things amicably and get it all over with quickly, painlessly and, well, cheaply? There are two options. For starters, you can file for uncontested dissolution of your marriage. If there are no children involved and if you can reach an agreement with your partner without having to involve any third parties, this is your best option. Depending on the state you live in, it can cost up to a few hundred dollars.
There is another option, though, and it is the perfect one for all those people who cannot seem to reach an agreement on many things regarding their separation but who can definitely agree on one significant thing. I’m talking about the fact that neither of you want to go to court even though you might not see eye to eye on other important factors. In this particular case, you can hire a mediator.
A mediator will help you reach an agreement more quickly and, of course, the whole procedure will cost a lot less than what you would spend on lawyers and courts. This is certainly the much easier way. Of course, you will have to make sure to find a great mediator that will have both of your interests in mind, so as to end things quickly and cheaply.
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