A lot of information is generated from your communication with customers, partners, and suppliers. This is big data and you can use it to enhance how you deal with all stakeholders. You can also use it to increase your bottom line.
When you make the shift to cloud-based phone systems, data files and multimedia content can be added. However, you need to know how you can exploit the big data that you have to increase your ROI. So, how do you do this, particularly with VoIP?
A Better View Of Your Customers
When you incorporate big data analytics into your business, every call you make or receive over your VoIP connection will be a source of demographic, geographic and behavioural data that you can use. You can combine this information with data from help desks, learning management systems and CRM systems.
With this combined data, you will be able to expand the view you have of your customer base. You will get a 360-degree idea that will make marketing and sales easier and more effective.
Big data will not only include the standard personal profile of your stakeholders such as age, gender, location, employment status, and relationship status. You will also get less tangible data such as where people look for service and product information. You can also find out what influences your customers regarding their buying decisions.
VoIP and big data can be used to predict buying behaviour as well because data will come in from different internet sources. You will also be able to get a better understanding of the people who buy your products or use your service.
Enhance Your Customer Service
The traditional system used for routing calls in your customer service department is the automated call distribution or ACD system. The simple way of looking at this will be a first come, first served arrangement where customers will be placed on hold. When the next support agent becomes available, those customers on hold will be patched through sequentially.
When you use big data on VoIP, you can make use of the enhanced alternative to this which is the analytics-assisted and skill-based routine which is more effective. The skill-based system will divide your support department into categories based on their areas of expertise. The needs or questions of the customers who call will be determined via their initial contact with the ACD system. They will then be sent to the first available agent who has the skills required to solve their issue.
The analytics-assisted system will take big data analytics into account such as the previous contact the caller has had with the support network. Their demographics and more will be used to predict which member of the team will have the best combination of phone style, skills, and personality to suit the caller.
Managing Your Platform And Infrastructure
The big data tools for VoIP networks will include software which analyzes how to manage the platform. This will start with tools for your hardware, infrastructure, and software. The aim will be to keep your network live at all times and to ensure that your users will always be connected.
The platform management tools will also help the VoIP service provider to manage your network requirements. This will be done based on studies of the variations occurring in the use of their service.
Improving Operations And Collaboration
The workforce of a company will often be widely distributed. There could be franchises and branch offices, mobile workers or remote sites that make up the organization. The VoIP client software, as well as the apps, will help you maintain contact between all the different operation areas.
These services will also provide tools for assessment and performance analytics which can help management with employee assessments. This data can also be used to create strategies which improve the overall processes of the business. You can also use the data to boost the performance of individual staff members.
Improved Tracking Of Expenses
Enterprise finance management is one of the areas where big data is being applied. The growing field of TEM has been linked to this. This will be all about managing a budget and keeping operational costs down.
Big data tools are well suited to help with the tracking of expense trails across an entire business. The dashboards are created with the idea of spotting trends in the data and bandwidth for the VoIP connections. Usage trends and behavioural trends of workers can be included into this which will provide you with a better overall picture of where the money is going and how your business can make some savings.
Better Security Measures
The risks of malicious attacks on your VoIP network by hackers and fraudsters can be mitigated when you are able to spot the threat sooner. Big data analysis of your call, traffic and usage history will reveal any potential areas of weakness and any likely suspects for hacker activity.
You can also use analytics to help reduce the volume of excess traffic on your network. This will include Spit or Spam over Internet Telephony and spam emails.
Knowing What Is Important
It is very tempting to throw everything in when dealing with big data and hopes that something good will come out of it. However, useful analysis and insight can only occur when you know what is important and ask the right questions. Data is the lifeblood of many organisations, but you need to consider how you add this to your business strategy to make the most of it.
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