Life coaching talks about the process of helping individuals set career or personal goals and find ways to achieve them. Some people think that it’s similar to counseling, but it’s not. A life coach functions more like a sounding board for you to discover what you truly want in life while a counselor acts as a support system and assists you with the problems you are going through. To explore this transformative process further and see how it can specifically benefit you, consider looking into life coaching as a step towards achieving your personal and professional goals.
If you’re considering a life coach, here are the benefits you will reap:
- You Learn about Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) helps you express your thoughts well to others and, most importantly, to yourself. This training allows you to reprogram the way you communicate with yourself and other people by consciously modifying the way you think and act. NLP is used to treat phobias and anxiety disorders as well as improve workplace performance.
The reasons why people want to go through NLP training is because they want to be:
- Better communicators
- Skilled in getting information from other people
- Adept at reading and understanding non-verbal cues and nuances
- Boost their subconscious and sensory awareness
- Control their thoughts and feelings
- Assuage anxiety and phobias
- Improve their relationships whether personal or business
- Correct awful behaviors in themselves or others
- You Gain an Understanding of Your Purpose
If you have this gnawing feeling that there must be something more to life than what you have now, then you need a life coach. Going through the life coaching process can give you clarity about what you want and where you want to be in the future. Plus, your life coach can help you determine the practical steps that you should take each day to get closer to attaining your goals and dreams.
These are the factors that can aid you in your quest for purpose:
- Happiness – Discovering what actions make you happy is the first step toward knowing what you want to do with your life. Think about the moments when you were the most joyful and ponder upon the things that you were doing. The secret to your life’s purpose may lie in what you enjoy doing. It can also prevent you from being burnout.
- Strengths – You have talents that you’re proud of since it helps you perform some tasks at work or home with ease. However, some strengths are only seen by others, so it’s essential that you reflect on personal attributes that you’re frequently complimented on such as being organized or being creative.
- Needs – Aristotle once said that your vocation lies at the point where your talents and the needs of the world cross. Identify the needs of your community and pinpoint the areas where you can use your strengths to solve a particular problem.
- You Recognize Numerous Possibilities for Growth
You may have given up in life and thought that you’re always going to be stuck in that boring, old job in that boring, old town until you reach your boring, old years. However, your life coach will make you realize that you always have a choice and that you can take control of your life.
They can provide you with outside perspective about the possibilities and opportunities that await you when you pull yourself out of that psychological rut. Do you want to go up the corporate ladder? Then learn in-depth knowledge of your chosen field. If you opt for a career change and want to become a life coach, you can certainly do that as long as you set your mind to it.
- You Realize the Importance of a Life Plan
A life plan consists of a series of steps you take day by day to be closer to achieving your dreams. Most people go through their daily life without a clear mission. Your life coach will help you create a practical life plan that complements your life goals to ensure that you stay on track.
Here are some tips in creating a life plan:
- Evaluate Your Current State – Before you determine the goals you want to achieve, you must first look at the way you’re living right now as a whole and pinpoint the facets that you want to improve on. It could be your career path, relationships, health, and finances.
- Know What You Want – Have a clear idea of what you want to achieve for the short-term or long-term. It should be something that interests you.
- Write It Down – Make a list of the things you want to accomplish and place it in a conspicuous place in your room to motivate you.
- Make It Specific – Concise goals are more attainable which will serve to encourage you to persevere in aiming high. An example is to avoid general objectives like wanting to be healthier and instead use specific, doable steps such as going for a run every morning.
- Start a Journal – Having a diary allows you to jot down the little victories that you’ve accomplished day by day which you can recount later on. This gives you a clear vision of how far you’ve come since you started implementing your life plan.
- Find an Accountability Buddy – An accountability buddy keeps you on track with your goals and will let you know if you’ve driven off-course. Life coaches are ideal for this role since they motivate and push you to become a better version of yourself.
- You Gain An Understanding of Introspection
Introspection, also known as self-reflection, is the process of assessing your innermost thoughts and feelings in an objective way. Pondering on what we are thinking about and the emotions that you experience without self-serving bias can help you determine your strengths and weaknesses. This process can facilitate your development as you grow toward your life goals.
A life coach is helpful in supporting your dreams as well as holding you accountable for your goals. You can think of them as friends who will push you to become a better version of yourself through proven strategies and techniques that bridge the gap between who you are currently and who you aspire to be in the future.
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I love the idea of life coaching. It’s great to think that hiring one can help me gain confidence in relationships and in my workplace. My work life is not very progressive, so I’d love to have some extra confidence and direction in that aspect of my life.