Imagine yourself waking up one day and realizing that you have become super smart all of a sudden. Oh boy, I bet that you would be surprised. Not that I’m calling you stupid right now, or anything like that, but the smartness I’m talking about here would definitely supersede everything you have known by now. I’m talking Einstein, da Vinci and Newton combined. What would you do?
I am pretty sure that you don’t have a clear answer to that question. Most of us wouldn’t really know what to do if our brains suddenly turned into super brains. The great thing is, the chances of that happening are pretty much non-existent, which is definitely for the best. It would be a shame, or even a dangerous ordeal, if there was something that could turn just anyone into a genius.
Don’t Get Disappointed Just Yet
Are you confused right now? Are you a bit angry and disappointed in me for getting you to imagine something and then bluntly stating that it will never happen? I get that, but it might be wise for you to hold your horses and refrain from throwing bad comments at me for a little while longer. While there is nothing in the whole wide world that could make you super smart overnight, I happen to know what the next best thing is.
If you turn that frown upside down, then view website that has the answers you are looking for and then continue reading this article, you will definitely be satisfied with all the info you’ll find. Unless you forget all the info, of course. That would be rather paradoxical, since some of the things you will learn are closely connected to your memory, but we will get to that a bit later.
It’s time to stop keeping you in suspense. The next best thing I am talking about is called a brain pill, or a smart drug, or a nootropic, or a cognitive enhancer… As you can see, there are a lot of names for this marvelous invention, but their point remains the same. They exist to make you smarter. Yes, you have heard that right. Although, I suspect that you have got it all wrong, even if you have heard it right.
That might be on me, though, so I will make sure to provide you with clear and precise information in the next part of the article. That way, you definitely won’t get it all wrong and you won’t expect brain pills to turn you into Einstein. In any case, there are certain things that you can expect from them, which is why I said that they can make you smarter in the first place. I’d never lie to you – they can make you smarter, they just cannot turn Patrick the Star into Leonardo da Vinci.
Here’s What I’m Talking About
Let us now cut to the chase. The whole point of brain pills is to improve your cognitive functions. Myriads and myriads of books have been written about cognitive functions, their types and importance, but there’s no need for you to go into so much detail, unless you don’t want to. If you do want to, starting with Carl Jung’s division would be a bit too much, so I suggest you begin with something simpler.
You could start here, for example:
For the purposes of understanding brain pills, or smart drugs, it is enough for you to know that cognitive functions include processes such as memory, focus, learning, attention and similar. By boosting these functions, brain pills help you remember more things, gain more useful knowledge, focus your attention on what you need to get done and actually do it, solve the issues you have more successfully and many more things.
If you don’t think that means that they are making you smarter, then I have a hard time understanding what it is that you associate with the word “smart”. Once again, this might be my fault. I have given you a lot of useful information so far about nootropics, but the thing is that there is so much more you need to know about them in order to full understand them. I’ll give you a couple of more info in order to try and bring them a bit closer to you.
Let’s say you need to finish a paper that is due or you have a time-sensitive issue that needs to be done as soon as possible. You are bound to get stressed out by this. Stress will impair your judgement, weaken your focus and make you unable to do something while constantly thinking about needing to do it. We have all been in this vicious circle. Nootropics are responsible for keeping you alert and attentive, while maintaining your stress levels at a minimum, which means that you will finish everything probably with time to spare.
In addition to that, brain pills are known for promoting creative thinking, which can be helpful even if your work doesn’t require much creativity. Say you need to solve a problem. Your usual ways of doing things doesn’t work and you cannot seem to find the perfect solution. By promoting creative thinking, smart drugs will help you get the idea that you need in order to get rid of the issue that’s bothering you.
I know it might sound like a fairy tale, but it’s actually science. Someone once said that the creative people’s brain works differently and that might be true. Brain pills will give you an insight in how their brain works because they will turn your brain into a creative one.
The Bottom Line
While I could go on and on about how smart drugs work and affect our brains, I believe that some things are best learned gradually. That’s why I don’t want to overwhelm you with too much information at once. The most important thing to remember is that nootropics can, in a way, actually make you smarter. They do that not by turning you into Isaac Newton overnight, but by promoting both your practical and creative way of thinking, boosting your memory and sharpening your focus.
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