If you are starting your woodworking business and don’t want to expend too much for the first time, then a track saw can help you out. Because with a track saw, you can do many things that other tools can do for you. A track saw can do a similar job that a table saw can do. A track saw is versatile and can be used for several different purposes including cutting woods. For faster and precise cutting, all you can consider of a track saw.
You can use a track saw for long cuts in wood materials more effectively than a table and circular saw. It is popular for its portability, versatility, and accuracy. So, before going to discuss further the topic of the article, let’s know a bit about the two saws for your better understanding. You may know about them or not. So, I think a short brief about the two different saws can help you understand better.
A table saw
A table saw is very simple to explain. It is actually a circular saw that has been mounted under a table and has a part of the saw above the table to allow the users to cut their workpieces according to their needs. A table saw can help you cut the different sizes of wood on a table saw. Table saws come in different shapes and sizes. Depending on your needs, you can purchase one. By moving the blade up and down, you can achieve your desired cuts.
A track saw
On a guide rail, a track saw is operated. It is a handheld circular saw which allows you for long and accurate cuts. With a track saw, you can be able to cut your workpieces in a different way. You can have plunge cuts, cross cuts, angular cuts, rip cuts and the like. Being portable, you can carry the circular saw onto your job site for the operation.
Now let’s talk about a bit for the replacement of the two saws- a track saw and a table saw.
Is it possible to replace one saw with another?
Literally, not. Yes, you cannot replace one tool with another tool. But you can have the benefits of similar work from a tool like them. With a track saw, you can do a similar job that a table saw can do for you. At the same time, there are some drawbacks as well. For instance, you cannot be able to excel rip cuts with a track saw. Moreover, a table saw will allow you to make fast and identical cuts that a track saw may not do the job accurately.
Several woodworkers think that they don’t need a table saw whereas they have already a track saw. But they are almost wrong. Yes, having two circular saws requires more investment in their business. But without the table saw, they cannot perform their work rapidly and accurately as well. So, they need to have the two circular saw for their better performance in their job.
What is better than what?
Table saws are a traditional form of cutting wood according to your needs. They have been in the market for centuries. With extreme accuracy and effortless cutting, you cannot but depend on a table saw.
If you need any rip cut which is too narrow, a table saw should be your best option to go ahead. On the other hand, with your track saw, you may not be able to make a narrow cut. The track that the track saw uses to make straight precise lines it is too wide to even think about sitting on the board appropriately. On the off chance that you should utilize a track found right now, it will require additional wood and clasps need rig up an approach to get the track to lay level and even with the board you are cutting.
Accuracy and Deep cuts
A table saw is more accurate in cutting wood than a track saw. Not only that you can get fast and accurate while going to make a narrow cut. It does not mean that you cannot make these cuts with a track saw. You also can with your track saw but not as accurate as a table saw.
How profound any observed can cut relies upon the structure of the saw itself and the size of the saw sharp edge that it employs. As a rule, a table saw can slice 3 to 4 inches down. A track saw doesn’t arrive at these profundities. Most track saws simply break 2 inches.
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