I have, out of my own personal temptation started using Google Plus. Obviously the invite process is not working (most of you must have already noticed it). Before the momentary disappointment, one of my good colleagues already has a workaround !! Either they deliberately left this or they don’t know that it adds people this way 🙂
Google Plus also writes a big paragraph in RED saying you cannot do this, but it just works 🙂 .. Keep adding people before someone @ Google sees it and stops.
So what you need to do is add a friend through his mail id or if you can find him Google Plus (those who already have access to Google Plus).
This step should have added / sent invite but it is not. So after adding the mail id, just send a message to that friend or to the circle to which he / she / third gender is a part. That’s it, he will get a mail that he got a message, and it auto signs in ! (Pathetic in terms of bug severity).
This gave me the impression that the Google Plus is much more buggy now and hence started looking for more bugs. Being a test engineer for the last five years, I think i can find these pretty easily.
Serial number 0: If you got an invite and tried to join, and if you get a message saying users exceeded, Don’t Ever Believe it ! There are ways to get into it.
1. Navigation has issues. It need to have link back to Home page for G+ on ALL pages. Not all pages in the settings panel and the various popups that come have this : Enhancement request.
2. Gtalk plug in, chat windows are not tab ready , and other keyboard short cuts : Injection Bug
3. Gtalk settings are not active, i changed sound to off but they didnt come into effect : Injection Bug
4. Too much white space on the home page. it can come more ‘loaded’ : Needs redesign
5. Find people option doesn’t show all of gmail contacts itself ! : Must Feature
6. Add a phone number feature does not work : Happy that ‘India’ option is present but sad that it just doesn’t yet work.
7. Invite is not still available. Do you believe ? You can make it work !!
8. Add a person to your stream, and it still can add the same person any number of times 🙂 : It should say its already added.
9. Gtalk search people text box is not ajax ready : Injection Bug
10. Location is only once known (see the pic).
11. Videos are mentioned as “Photos”. I am not sure if such a common name would work.
12. Video playback freezes the background (the way pics freeze the background in FB), video freezing is not a desired feature, i m blocked for the length of the video to do nothing !
13. On your friend’s profile, you see his/her friends to add some mutual friends, it suggest your profile to you to add ! (I am very sad of this ).
14. Your profile page has an option to send a mail to yourself ! (what an idea sirji ! ) . And with great awesomeness, it doesn’t work .
15. The same mail option is not available on friend’s profile/wall !
16. The network connection for media is not working as expected, please check your network connections and try again in a few seconds. Reason Code: 23
17. Invite in Hangout says invite posted successfully, but no one is added !
18. There should be a way to know who from the online list of gtalk are using +.
19. Frustrated trying Hangout. It just doesn’t work.
20. Added many circles, they are not visible in the Stream section. Only one is shown !
21. Dragging people to circles, if done for more than 10 min, well, doesn’t work.
22. Gtalk is only shown on the home page, or the primary profile page. What if we navigate to other pages !!! no gtalk.
I’m not opinion oriented, it has lots of empty space still, lots of bugs and definitely no crowd pulling attraction yet. i hope there will be some , soon.
Good Points :
1. Video upload through Android. This is awesome.
1A . Photo auto upload from devices (which are detected the moment they are taken by the device) is pure awesomeness. Overall Photos section (with Photo details and location) is fantastic.
2. Android App similar to what’s on the desktop.
3. Sparks
4. Hangout : A definite good feature, want to see how much it attracts everyone.
5. Look and feel is simply awesome.
6. There is no Google+ Beta written and I’m happy about it 🙂
7. No Ads yet !! So better start using it before it gets dirty.
8. Google bar is very very useful. Also the quick share kind of link on the right top is a very nice idea.
Good to have :
there is a google dashboard, which is there from a long time ofcourse, but not got much significance. I feel that has to be brought to light with this + , it is a definite attraction.
No apps as such yet, like in FB, it is to be seen if they will copy the idea or come up with something new.

There is no credit taken from the fantastic effort made. I made a list to make sure most of them are ‘fixed’ soon. Well done Google.
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orkut is better than this google plus
Very good anlalysis…. Google has always released a product first and then keeps improving. So its as per tradition only.
You can still get Free Google Plus Invites at http://www.free-google-plus.com It’s the only site I know that you can still get invites at right now, since Google stopped allowing the public.
You can still get Free Google Plus Invites at http://www.free-google-plus.com It’s the only site I know that you can still get invites at right now, since Google stopped allowing the public.
True, really lots of bugs, if i can only find 22 bugs (and counting), we can expect how many more bugs must have been there ! It is not good to give out, even for a smaller group, a product which is so much buggy, with its attractions like hangout not working at all, and having no other distinctive features.
hummm….fix bugs and can take a few days
🙁 lots of bugs and not fixed yet…