Not a question worth asking, don’t we all agree on this one? My boss has just winked at me and she seconds me on this one. I am actually trying to create a controversy by writing this blog, and the words “bad boss” justify my existence in an organization. Yeah, I have done my share of bossing around, so what? Have you ever been a boss? “Bad bosses”—don’t they all get to us? Don’t we all have a bad boss story? I bet you got one for everyday.
So what do you do to deal with them? Stay as long as you can count your chickens and run away after that? Thing is, you have got to find your solution to deal with the rotten managers—“just like kids, bosses with lot of power can give you hard time”.
Does your manager bullies you? Pitches about you coming late to office even after the extra work you put in everyday? Is the manager coming in the way of your productivity, creativity and efficiency? –Don’t you already smell something bad out there?
Would you care to know what I do?
- I try to be positive even when negativity tries to surround me
- I try to be frank and I communicate to get across my views
- Humor, yes, it always seems to work and diffuses the tensed air
- I try to set boundaries—live and let live
We can always try to empathize with the bosses and try to get into their shoes. After all, they too have bosses to answer to. In fact, lot of times, it happens that employees are too bent on assuming that bosses are always bad. And as they say—“A rotten fish can spoil the entire pond”, bad employees try to influence as many people as possible and make them believe that bosses are meant to be bad. That is a time when I start thinking whether I am the one who is behaving like a kid.
So what is your bad boss story?
Special thanks to my friend and Author of this post : Ajay Jetti
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