Building lean muscle or bulking up, whichever your goal is, mere brutal workout sessions at the Gym is not sufficient enough to get you to your ideal physique. Working out is only half the journey.
No matter what kind of change you are trying to bring about in yourself, may it be physical, facial or even mental, you have to start from the diet.
To maximize muscle growth, you will need to count on all the essential amino acids and proteins. It is also ideal to add a testosterone booster to your diet and learn more how it helps strengthens your muscles and boosts your energy
Most food contains protein and carb to some extent, but there is a certain criteria you will need to meet- How protein to to take in?
Protein Requirements
According to the DRI, an average male needs 0.8 grams of protein/kilo of body weight. So explain it simply, if you weigh 70 kilos. Then you will need a protein intake of 56 grams.
The 0.8 grams is only the minimal amount, try taking in more if you feel like you are not recovering fast enough or gaining enough muscles through exercise.
I have provided a list of protein rich food that will help you meet your daily protein requirements:
1. Lean meat
There are fatty meat that tastes good by default, and then there are lean meat, which can be made to taste good. The latter is special because they are loaded with complete proteins, rich in iron and a good source of Vitamin B.
The culinary potential of these lean meats are endless. You are probably picturing lean cuts of beef. But you can get your lean meat from turkeys, chicken, salmon, veal and ducks. As I said, the potential is endless.
2. Eggs
What came first? The egg or the protein?
Doesn’t matter which came first, but this wonderful babyshell will get you a whopping 6 grams. And these are comparatively light on the calories.
However, there used to be an old debate on yolk being the bad part of eggs and you should only take in the egg whites. It is a total misconception. Try getting yourself 2 eggs on the go, and it should cover 15-20% of your daily protein needs.
3. Protein Shakes
These are the byproduct of science and our desperate need to amp out the protein intake without taking in the extra macros that come with whole foods.
Protein Shakes come in many different forms and flavors, derived from multiple protein sources, so that no matter what your dietary restrictions are, you can still use it to boost your protein intake.
Related; Should you drink Protein Shake before or after workout?
4. Beans and Legumes
Beans & Legumes are popular among the Vegan community. These are called the ‘meatless meats’ and for a good reason. These have such high protein content, around 21g of protein per 100 grams. All that for less than 100 calories.
So get your vegan cookbook out and make some gourmet veggie steak.
5. Nuts and Seeds
These are yet another vegetarian source of protein. However, these are equally popular among the meat eaters as well.
Nuts are the ultimate form of snacks. You can carry them anywhere, eat on the go, and the best part is, these will not only fill you up with dietary fiber and protein but boosts your overall energy level through distribution of healthy fats to your system. Another great thing about nuts are that, the healthy fat they provide are not completely absorbed by your body, so less fat without really cutting out the essential calories.
If you liked this article, check out our review for ‘ Core Power Protein Shake’
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