Every new phase of your child’s life brings new challenges, but there aren’t many phases as challenging and exciting as the college years. The transition from high school to college can go either way, but there are some things that you can do make things go a bit smoother.
How to prepare your child for college can be a tricky task, but it is not undoable. Sure, there will be things that you didn’t think. Nothing in life is guaranteed. So, the best plan of action is to prepare as much as possible and give your child the tools to navigate the unknown with as little discomfort as possible.
Let’s not kid each other though, when we think back to our college days, there are things that we would do differently. Your child has the opportunity to learn from your mistakes.
Talk about the good old days
Preparing your child for college starts by actually talking about college. Although certain things change, there are things that will always be the same.
Talk about the freedom that you had while you were a student and don’t be shy to mention the stupid stuff you did. As long as you are open with your child and they feel comfortable to share what they get up to, you are already off to a great start.
At one time or another, they will screw up, but you have to remember that you were probably no different. Getting used to the freedom of college life can be a major adjustment. It is your job as a parent to help your child navigate those murky waters and help them learn on their own.
Be supportive
It is safe to say that you have more life experience than your child and that he or she still has to learn some things that you have already forgotten.
The workload in college can be overwhelming and finding a balance between studies and their social lives can be difficult. It never hurts to get some university assignment help for your child when they lag behind on their homework, college essays, or other writing work. Online writing services soften the blow and will give them the confidence they need to take on a bit more.
There are some parents who over-support sometimes and still treat their children as if they are in high school. You need to learn how to let go of the reigns and gradually condition your children to manage their time on their own.
Time management is one of the most important skills they need to learn. When you pick up their slack too often, they are going to take much longer to learn how to use their time effectively.
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It’s a bit more complex than teenage years
Yes, going to college and preparing your kids for college is a bit more complex than helping teens with homework. You have to give them the freedom to explore, but also know when to reel them in a bit. Preparing kids for college is also not something that you do before they go.
This is a continuous process. Your kids will go through phases and you will need to teach them how to reduce anxiety when the pressure is on. Very year at college bring its own challenges, from being a freshman all the way to being a final year student, ready to enter full-on adult life.
As a freshman, everything is new and you want to explore everything that college life holds. There are both good and bad aspects, and in some cases, the bad aspects look more alluring.
The parties and social aspect of college can get out of hand, but this is one area where you will have to let your child figure out the consequences of their actions on their own.
Then again, as a final year student, the pressure of finding a job can become overwhelming and many students are caught like deer in the headlights and freeze. On the other side of the spectrum, you get students who want to get everything over and done with and they rush through their final year, missing out on some of the best days.
Encourage, encourage, encourage.
If you want your child to prepare for college life, you need to encourage your child to read more. The internet is full of information about the specific school they are going to attend. They will start to get a feel for what the university has to offer and they can start to explore the areas where they will likely slot in.
Reading far and wide about your university and what they can expect will go a long way to teach them how to reduce anxiety. Not everyone handles freedom or the unknown equally well. Most people find change and uncertainty daunting and when you prepare for college life, you take the edge off of the whole experience.
To conclude
Preparing your kids for college is no easy task and you will be tempted to hold onto your child for a little while longer. If you gradually let go and show them that you trust them, they will be more likely to return to you for advice. You need to make sure that that door is always open. Supporting your child is the best way in which you can support them on their way to college.
Author Bio:
Jeremy Reynolds is a student coach, blogger and a technology geek who’s always experimenting with data from schools and colleges to enrich the student lives and help them to excel in what they take up. In his free time, he loves to play tennis, cook food for his kids, and read mystery novels.
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