Divorce is no longer a life-wrecking occasion that should be avoided at all costs. Today there are opportunities for almost anyone wanting to end their marriage to make it easier and avoid the unnecessary emotional rollercoaster. One possible option is online divorce. Learn what online divorce is and how to apply it to your divorce process in this article.
An Online Divorce: What Is It?
The term “online divorce” can be a little confusing at first. Some may think that it means getting a divorce over the internet. In reality, you will not be able to complete a divorce online. It is an online service that helps people getting a divorce to pick out the right forms and fill them out correctly.
Correctly filling out the paperwork is crucial for any couple filing for divorce to be successful. There are countless situations when the court has rejected the couple’s documents due to some mistakes or missing forms. Even the most experienced law expert can let a small mistake slip by. A significant benefit of internet divorce is that the system won’t make any mistakes while filling out your documents.
Requirements for an Online Divorce
A couple should come to an agreement on all important issues, such as child custody, alimony, or property division, to have a DIY divorce. When spouses have reached a mutual understanding on all terms, they can apply for an uncontested or no-fault divorce. To file for an uncontested divorce, couples don’t have to provide any grounds for divorce other than their marriage is irretrievably broken.
Such a simplified form of divorce often implies that the couple can go without an attorney and fill out the required paperwork themselves. This is when having a web divorce is highly beneficial in terms of time and money.
Typical Steps of an Online Divorce
The moment the couple has reached an agreement about their divorce-related issues, such as spousal support or who the kids will be staying with after the dissolution of marriage, they can begin the document preparation process.
The first step should be choosing a reliable online divorce service. You should be aware that some could be potential scams. So how do you choose the right service? First of all, read the terms of use of any online divorce companies you are considering. Secondly, pay attention to reviews from their former clients. Also, don’t be shy about asking some questions!
When you have chosen a trustworthy service, you will be asked to provide information about your marriage. Questions that you will be required to answer can be divided into three main categories: specifics of your particular case, your marriage, and your divorce.
The first category includes questions about you and your spouse’s age, sex, state of residence, military service, whether you have any property or minor children, etc.
The second category includes questions about your marriage. You might be asked when and where your marriage was registered and the annual income and job occupations of you and your spouse. Some services require information about your health insurance, date of purchase for particular property items and their price, your driver’s license number, and so on.
The third and last section requires information about the divorce. For example, who minor children will stay with (if you have any), how the mutual property will be divided, etc.
After you have answered all the questions, the system will use your answers to fill out the appropriate divorce forms. Typically, you’d receive your paperwork after a short waiting period of a few business days.
Benefits of an Online Divorce
Online divorce services became highly popular over the last couple of years because of their wide variety of benefits. See for yourself:
- The “do it yourself” divorce services are affordable. If you’re looking for an inexpensive way to prepare your divorce papers – this is it. You can stop worrying about spending the last of your savings to deal with the paperwork. The average price for such services rarely exceeds a few hundred dollars. However, you’d still have to pay filing fees at court.
- Online divorce can really speed up the paperwork preparation process. If you’re not a trained lawyer, it will probably take you quite a while to fill out all the papers. With a professional online service, your forms can be ready in just two business days.
- Such services can give you confidence that you will be the only one responsible for the result. If you provide correct answers without any mistakes, the system will accurately use your answers to fill out the forms. This way, a petitioner can successfully file documents with the court on the first attempt and then serve them to the respondent.
- You might be able to avoid a court proceeding. If you prepare your paperwork and send the application for divorce online, the chances are high that you won’t have to see your spouse in court.
- You’ll experience less stress knowing that you’re in control. You will know how long it will take for your documents to be prepared, what information will be used to fill out the forms, etc.
Final Thoughts
Getting a divorce online can be a real savior for many couples. It is a powerful tool that can reduce the overall cost of divorce and help you apply for divorce faster. It is important to remember that a divorce is only one step of the long walk of a person’s life. True happiness might only be that one step away, so don’t be afraid to make it if you think it’s the right call.
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