If you are going to be filing for divorce in the not too distant future, you need to realize that submitting the divorce paperwork is not the only part of the process. You also have to decide whether the divorce is going to be a contested divorce or an uncontested divorce. Sadly enough, it is not within your power to make this decision as your spouse has just as much say in the whole arrangement as you do.
If you are going to file for an uncontested divorce in Ohio, online divorce is the easiest, quickest, and the most inexpensive divorce option available to you. Utilizing some of the best online divorce platforms also makes the step by step process a lot easier as the platform will take you through the process by providing detailed instructions.
Even though the State of Ohio has a unique filing process different from other states, the online platform’s services will still come in handy. That is because online divorce sites consider not only your unique circumstances but also your location to select and fill out the exact forms needed for your case. Current data shows that many people use this medium because of the several benefits it offers. But before we go any further, we must understand what a no-fault divorce or an uncontested divorce really means.
No-fault/Uncontested divorce
A no-fault or uncontested divorce is a divorce agreement or process in which both you and your spouse agree to the divorce terms. The separation is done amicably, and there is little or no dissent from you or your spouse. Under this divorce type, all issues related to alimony, child care and support, child visitation hours, asset sharing, and all the potential problems are settled between the two of you without the need for litigation.
It is also important to note that under an uncontested divorce in Ohio, you don’t have to prove any wrongdoing. The court just accepts that both of you are no longer compatible and wish to end the marriage.
Uncontested divorce according to Ohio marital laws
According to Ohio laws, this type of divorce is based on both parties mutually agreeing to dissolve the marriage. The couple jointly submits the petition after both have reached an agreement regarding spousal support, property division, and all child-related issues. After the divorce documents have been filed with the court, the parties involved will have to wait for 30 days for the court to hear the case.
Ohio law states that the case shall be heard within 90 days after the paperwork has been filed. If the court is satisfied with the settlement, the desire of the couple will be granted, and the marriage ended.
What do an uncontested divorce and online platforms have in common?
They have a lot in common, actually. Under a contested divorce, you definitely need a divorce lawyer to argue your case in court. But under an uncontested divorce, you may or may not require a lawyer. That is why it is sometimes called a DIY divorce. As for the online platforms in use today, if your case is uncontested, you can use an online divorce service https://onlineohiodivorce.com/ to prepare all of your divorce paperwork online without having to pay an expensive attorney or even leave your home.
Online platforms allow you to go through the process with ease, and you can conclude the paperwork preparation process quickly so you can move ahead with your life, all from the comfort of your home. Some platforms even offer to file the document with the court on your behalf. The best divorce websites are 100% safe, so you need not worry about your personal information falling into the wrong hands.
Factors to consider before filing for a No-fault divorce
Like we’ve pointed out before, a no-fault divorce can only go through if your spouse agrees to the divorce in the first place, and there are no disputes whatsoever. Keeping that in mind, here are some factors you need to consider should you decide to file for a divorce in Ohio.
An online divorce case is still a lawsuit
Before you go ahead to file for an online divorce, bear in mind that it is still a lawsuit. The online dimension you adopt does not change this fact. Since it is a lawsuit, you need to treat it just as important as any other legal case. If you are not clear regarding anything, make sure you contact a divorce attorney to clarify whatever issue you might have.
Get as much information as you can
Every case is different, and the statutes and laws pertaining to divorce differ from state to state. What is obtainable in Pennsylvania may not be acceptable in Ohio. Before you take the step, properly study Ohio’s divorce process, especially as it pertains to uncontested divorce cases.
A divorce attorney may be helpful
Divorce without an attorney is possible in uncontested cases but consider consulting one if there is a need for it. You may not have a dispute with your spouse, but if there is a potential for future conflicts, it is best to save yourself the future trouble by hiring a lawyer or contracting a mediator to help both of you to cross all the Ts and dot all the Is. It makes no sense to save money today that you might end up spending tomorrow on legal fees. And guess what? You might end up spending more than you save today.
Consider your kids if you have any
When children are involved, the situation becomes a lot more complex. That is because you are not only making future plans for yourself; you are also making plans for them as well. Everything you do should be in their best interest.
How to get an Online divorce in Ohio
If you want to file for a divorce in Ohio, here are the critical steps you need to take.
- Choose a platform
The first thing you have to do is decide the platform you want to use for your divorce document preparation. This is very important if you are not going to use the services of a divorce attorney. You have two options available to you: the court website or an online divorce company. The court website will have all the documents you need, available for free, but you’ll have to fill them out yourself. An online divorce company will do all the work for you (select and complete your forms) for a low, affordable price. Whichever option you choose, make sure you make several copies of the document for safekeeping and future reference.
- Ensure that all terms are agreeable between you and your soon to be ex
The idea behind an uncontested divorce is that both parties are leaving the marriage amicably. If there are unresolved issues, it becomes a contested divorce, and contested cases bring about litigation where both of you will have to appear before a judge to prove your case.
- Fill the divorce form
Include your personal details and make sure that they are correct. Essential information to include is your name, house address, SSN, marriage location, date of marriage, birth dates of your children, and highlight the divorce will be a no-fault divorce.
If you are doing the paperwork on your own, follow the instructions carefully. Any mistakes could derail your case. If you are using an online platform, you will be guided through a simple questionnaire. The information you provide will be used by the platform to complete your divorce forms for you. Once the paperwork is complete, it must be filed with the court. The court will charge a filing fee at this time.
- Serve your spouse
After filing the paperwork, you have to serve your spouse. To serve your spouse, you will have to give the paperwork to someone 18 or older to deliver to your spouse. If possible, you can also serve him or her electronically. What is most important is that he or she gets the paperwork.
- File your settlement agreement and supplementary documents
During the 30 day waiting period until the judge reviews your case, make sure your settlement agreement is written up and signed by both you and your spouse. If there is extra paperwork, like financial disclosures or a parenting plan, make sure you include them with your divorce agreement, as the court will demand to see them.
Getting an online divorce in Ohio is easy if the divorce is an uncontested one. Just make sure that you go through the process as required by Ohio law so it can be concluded in the shortest time possible.
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